Warsaw: farmers protest against low purchase prices


Not only the fruit producers, but also the pig farmers and the producers of milk and vegetables took part in the event. According to farmers, prices of purchased fruits have never been so low. For this reason, production has become completely unprofitable. Some people brought with them boxes full of fruits and vegetables, on which they wrote the actual production costs, the purchase prices and the price to the consumer. During the protest, the assembly had banners with slogans such as "Not to treat the mafia" or "Our food our state."

– In the normal year, we know that these prices were lower, but this year there was a real collapse. This market is completely unstable. We, the Union of Polish Fruit Producers, have been conducting negotiations at the Ministry of Agriculture for several weeks. Tomasz Solis, deputy director of the Union of Polish Fruit Growers in an interview with Radio Maryja, said: "Our prime minister behaves like Peter Pan, talks about cars for electricity, and can only not face the production of food, with something basic But we will help the Prime Minister to become a real man – The protesters said that the farmers protested.

The 14th event was held directed to the Chancellery of the Prime Minister The demonstrators organized a picket there and about They ended the meeting It is estimated that about two thousand people participated in the demonstration.

The organizer of the demonstration is the Union of Vegetables and Potato, with the support of the Fruit Producers of the Republic of Poland, the Provincial branches and the RI "Solidarity" and the Agricultural Federation. Agricultural Organizations also supported this protest.


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