Warsaw: Works on the tracks and roads. Circumstances of circulation


  • For two consecutive weekends, employees of Warsaw Trams will exchange leveling devices on the runway. Jana Pawła II
  • Street Frezowana Chrobrego will be excluded from traffic on the section between ul. Łamana and Rejonowa
  • In the next stage of the rehabilitation of railway line 7, a total interruption of rail traffic will be introduced in the Świder – Otwock section

. 21, the organization of traffic on ul. Łodygowa. The existing road on the section of ul. Radzymińska at ul. Wolińska will be excluded from the traffic, and the cars will go by a newly built road. Drivers will have one lane in each direction. Connection with ul. Łodów will recover at ul. Pszczyńska on the north side.

Photograph of the city of Warsaw Warszawy / Press material

Modifications on ul. Łodygowa

You will not be able to go to ul. Łodygowa with ul. Pszczyńska on the south side and Przewoźnik and Wschodnia streets. The intersection with the streets Wyspowa and Potulicka will be passable

Milling of the roadway

After the recent renovation of the roadway, ul. A popular moment for milling the intersection of this road with the street Bolesława Chrobrego. These works are planned by the municipal authority of roads for the next weekend. Work will begin on Friday, July 13 from 24 and will last until Monday, July 16 at 4 am Bolesława Street Chrobrego will be excluded from traffic on the section between ul. Broken and District. Thus, the driver from ul. Dźwigowa will not be able to pass through the tunnel under the railroad tracks, but they will be able to turn into ul. Swierszcz.

Photo: Urząd m.st. Warszawy / Press material

Chrobry street – a detour from the closed section

The popular will be closed at the height of Milanowska. The closed intersection visits will be conducted through the streets: Świerszcza – al. June 4, 1989 – Ryżowa and Popularna – Techników – Cegielniana – Sympatyczna – Wałowicka. Buses 129, 178 and 191 will take the Al road. Jerozolimskie and ul. Check. Lines 189 and N01 will follow the route of the streets: Wałowicka – Sympatyczna – Cegielniana – Techniki – Popularna – Al. Jerozolimskie

Drogowcy is also preparing the renovation of Cecha and Trakt Brzeski Streets. Basic work will start in a week, but now it is worth knowing that from Saturday, July 21, 23, until August 5 closed for cars will be the southern route, towards the eastern border from Warsaw, on the section of ul. Kajki at ul. John Paul II. The movement in both directions will take place on the second floor

Photo: Urząd m.st. Warszawy / Materiały prasowe

Czech street – a tour of the closed section

– It will not be traditional milling. The scope of work is greater and includes the renovation of the foundation and its strengthening, as well as the layout of a new asphalt surface, the renovation of descents, bus stations. and the local repair of the pavement – gives information in the town hall on the information sent to Onet

Tramwajarze at al. Jana Pawła II

Two consecutive weekends, from 14 to 16 and 21 to 22 July, Warsaw Trams employees will exchange leveling devices on the runway. Jana Pawła II, on the viaduct of the railway. On Saturdays and Sundays, both lanes will be delimited by both lanes. John Paul II enters the roundabout of the group of the Army of the Interior "Radoslaw" and pl. Grunwald. For the moment, the trams will not work on this episode. Line 17 stores will cross Stawki – Mickiewicza – Słowackiego streets. The tram line 33 will go along ul. Słomińskiego and the Gdańsk Bridge, then Jagiellońska to the Ratuszowa-ZOO loop. And line 35 will cross the streets of the generator Andersa – Mickiewicza – Słowackiego – Marymoncka

Photograph of the city of Warsaw Warszawy / Press material

Disable streetcar traffic on al. John Paul II

Substitute bus lines and additional tram lines will be launched on the roads:

– line Z17: Żeromskiego – Marymoncka – Słowackiego – ks. Popiełuszki – al. Jana Pawła II – Stawki (back: Stawki – Okopowa) – Stawki,

– line Z33: Metro Młociny – Nocznickiego – Wólczyńska – al. Reymonta – Broniewskiego – al. Jana Pawła II – Stawki (back: Stawki – Okopowa) – Stawki,

– line 72: metro Młociny – T. Nocznickiego – Wólczyńska – Broniewskiego – al. W. Reymont – Powstańców Śląskich – Połczyńska – Wolska – al. "Solidarności" – Towarowa – Al. Jerozolimskie – Poniatowski bridge – al. Zieleniecka – Zamoyskiego – Grochowska – Wiatraczna,

– line 78: Cm. Wolski – Wolska – al. "Solidarności" – Okopowa – Słomińskiego – Gdansk – Jagiellońska – Ratuszowa – Targowa – Kijowska – Dw.Wschodni (Kijowska).

The next step on Miodowa

The next phase is the renovation of ul. Honey. The road between the intersections with Długa and Senatorska streets is still out of circulation. On the other hand, the renovation of the sidewalks is approaching the final, and on the next parts of the street a new surface of the road is laid. Friday, July 13, approx. 23:30, the robots will move to the intersection with ul. Senators. It will be rebuilt, modern signage will appear on it. As part of this work, a two-way traffic will be introduced on the section of Senatorka and Podwale and Kilińskiego streets and the parking will be reorganized

Photo: Urząd m.st. Warszawy / Materiały prasowe

Miodowa – a visit to the closed section

From Monday, July 16, buses will change routes: 116, 128 (only towards Szczęśliwice), 175 (only towards Chopin Airport), 178, 180, 222 , 503, 518 and night N44. All will take a detour to the Grand Théâtre – Opéra national. From ul. Senatorska will go along ul. Wierzbowa, through pl. Piłsudski in Królewska. In the opposite direction, they will walk the streets of Focha and Moliera. The reconstruction of the intersection will last until the end of July. After opening, the next reconstruction is planned – from ul. Long. All work should be completed in early September

Renovation of railway line to Otwock

Railwaymen modernize railway line No. 7 to Otwock. In the next stage of the works, from 16 July to 2 September, a complete break in rail traffic will be introduced on the Świder – Otwock section. The SKM trains of the S1 line will only take you to the Falenica station or the main railway station

A ZS7 bus line will run in the 1st and 2nd zone: PKP Falenica – Bysławska (back: Młoda, Derkaczy , Bysławska) – Patriots – Marshal Józef Piłsudski – Hugo Kołłątaj – Stanisław Staszic – Powstanieców Warszawy – Orla (back: Orla, Świderska)

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