Watzke: I would pay a hundred million for Lewandowski


Robert Lewandowski changed to Borussia four years ago at Bayern Munich. In Dortmund, however, they know very well what the Pole did for BVB. "I would pay 100 million euros for someone like Lewandowski," says Borussia chief Hans-Joachim Watzke

"Sport Bild" writes on its pages that the Bundesliga will soon be a hundred millionth transfer.

In the newspaper Watzke tells how he works in the field of transfer Borussia and for which he would be willing to pay such a sum.

In the years 2010-14, the Borussia player was Lewandowski. With this club, he won twice the championship of Germany, he also appeared in the final of the Champions League against … Bayern

Today, in Dortmund, one can only dream back to the Pole, but if the club had unlimited funds back – Watzke does not hide. "Robert's return is, however, completely unreal, so we do not have to worry about it," he said.

"Robert Lewandowski knows football well, knows the league and the club he would be ready to play immediately.The euro," said Watzke

In recent weeks, a wave of criticism has fallen on the Polish, first in Germany when he was talking about leaving Bayern, and later in Poland and the world after the Worlds of the Deadly Eagles

they appreciate the captain of the Polish national team. The new Bundesliga season begins on August 24th.

See the calendar of the Bundesliga


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