Weather on Sunday, July 28th. Upay and thunderstorms in almost all of Poland


The weather at the end of July still spoils the wanderers who went on vacation during this period. However, the last days of the month, it is worth looking at the forecasts: the weather will be capricious and very variable.

Sunny weather. The warm and light wind

On Sunday, July 28, the weather warms up. The temperatures even sign 30 degrees Celsius in the center of the country. The weather will be everywhere Pomorze and Podkarpacie, but the temperature will not be great. The synoptics predict about 26-28 degrees C. Besides this, the sensation of heat will fuel the lack of wind

Weather on Sunday. Storms with hail over Poland

Despite such predictions, it is necessary to monitor the weather on Sunday. In almost the whole country (except for the western part of Poland), storms accompanied by hail and rain are expected.

While in three provinces (Pomerania, Kujawsko-Pomorskie and Opolskie), the weather warnings of the IMGW are only 1 st degree this situation is much worse in central, eastern and southern country

Weather. Thunderstorms with intense hail in 9 provinces

For the pristine provinces, IMGW issued second-degree warnings on a three-step scale. It is recommended, therefore, a lot of caution because nawanice can cause damage and flooding.

List of provinces with hail Sunday:

  • Warmisko-mazurskie,
  • Podlaskie,
  • Mazovia,
  • dzkie,
  • witokrzyskie,
  • lskie,
  • Maopolskie, [19659011] podkarpackie,
  • lubelskie.

Extreme test in the future or standards

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