Weronika Rosati in a bikini


Weronika Rosati gave birth in December to her daughter Elżbieta. The young mother, a few weeks after giving birth to Instagram, suggested that she was going to get back in shape as soon as possible. The actress only now showed the effects of painful exercises.

Rosati on her profile boasted of a photo in a bikini. His silhouette makes an incredible impression.

Some media speculate that rapid weight loss is also the result of the stress caused by the breakup with Robert Śmigielski. Let us remind you that the couple had been together for two years. The break has been confirmed recently. – In fact, the separation is true. For her, it is particularly painful because she is the mother of a little girl and, like all mothers, she dreamed of giving her child a complete family. Now I want to focus only on happy times with Eli – said in an interview with Party.pl Gabriela Piekarniak, director of Weronika Rosati

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