Weronika Rosati: parents will help the actress to raise her daughter


The media was noisy about the breakup of Weronika Rosati with his partner, orthopedist Robert Śmigielski. After two years, the actress decided to end his relationship with the father of his daughter Elizabeth

– indeed, to separate is true. For her, it is particularly painful because she is the mother of a little girl and, like all mothers, she dreamed of giving her child a complete family. Now I want to focus only on happy times with Eli – explains in an official statement of Gabriela Piekarniak, director of Weronika Rosati.

According to Radio ZET Rosati, after leaving his partner, must live with his parents – Dariusz and Teresa Rosati. The actress, who is currently in Los Angeles, had to be long persuaded to move into a family home. Thanks to this, little Elizabeth will be able to grow up with her grandparents, and Weronica will be able to reconcile her professional duties with her mother's role.

Rosati does not always show her daughter's face (on all the photos of her social media, Elizabeth returns to the goal), but he shares his thoughts on motherhood and how he looks after it Raise a child. In a recent interview for "Viva" magazine, Rosati talked about how a mother has changed her life ("she fills my whole world …"). At the same time, the actress emphasized the importance of the help received from her mother: "My mother helps me a lot." She is with me on the set and her Ela's busy, when I can not, I'm grateful to her. she … "

source: ZET Radio; VIVA

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