What advantages does Legia offer in Warsaw? – Legionisci.com


Woytek, source: Legionisci.com

The EY Economic Analysis Team, commissioned by Legia, has prepared an analysis of the socio-economic effects of the club's activities. According to the report, the media promotion of Warsaw through Legia Champions League matches exceeded 33 million zlotys and the real financial benefits for the city amounted to almost 14 million zlotys.

– This 33 million zlotys means that Warsaw should spend as much on international markets as Legia Warszawa has given it. This leads to the obvious conclusion that Legia is inseparably linked to Warsaw. We care and everything should depend on cooperation. Warsaw, as a capital city, does not have large companies from which it is known and which could promote it. Legia is in the TOP1 – he says Łukasz Sekuła club council.

It can not be concealed that in terms of media value at the European level over the past two years, the club has lost considerably, giving up the qualification for the European Cup.

– In the report, we show the historical data of the completed competitions, on the basis of which the city can see how it can help the club in different ways, so that we can return to these cuts. Understanding the position of the Legia in the city will be beneficial for both parties. As an example of Legia's strength, you can also remember the support of a German soldier. Thanks to her, the Warsaw uprising has had an unprecedented reach on the world's conscience – he says Jarosław Jankowski Legia's board of directors.

In addition to the variable media value, the report focuses on the economic aspect of the club's operation and its impact on the city, province and country. The bulk of the effects of Legia's business is generated in Warsaw alone – more than 73%. For the 2016/17 season, the turnover amounted to PLN 411 million, or about PLN 274 million of the value added of the goods and services generated, or about PLN 1.5 000. about 10.7 million PLN of tax revenue. Taking into account the rent of the stadium (PLN 3.7 million), the experts calculated that the net financial benefits for the capital, Warsaw due to the activity of Legia amounted to nearly 14 million PLN. In turn, the city supports the club through a sponsorship amounting to … 630 000. zł. For comparison, Jagiellonia recently received about 3 million zlotys for the city, about 10% of the club's budget. The report shows that during the 2016/17 season, the club employed 396 people, including 107 footballers (all yearbooks).

Legia is popular all over Poland

The club regularly conducts research showing that Legia in Poland is supported by 6 million people. The recognition rate for the Legia brand is 90%. – This confirms what Legia is. The Legia has an impact on Poland and Europe – think Sekuła.

– 62% of Poles claiming to support Legia are not from the province of Mazovia. Beyond Białystok, the entire eastern wall is legionary. On the other hand, if we exclude a city like Wroclaw, it turns out that, for example, in the region of Lower Silesia, we have a lot of fans. In addition, we are among the top five Polish brands appearing on the Internet. Most often we compete with Allegro, who spends a lot of money on it – he adds. Artur Adamowicz, director of communication at Legia.

During Legia's weeks of matches in Europe Cup, the interest for Warsaw itself has been multiplied by 2 to 4. 6.5% of the total annual number of searches for "Warsaw" on the Internet in the five countries with which "Wojskowi" was confronted were linked to these correspondences.

What is the club about?

– It is about changing the mindset and the approach. The symbiosis between Legia and Warsaw should be obvious. We want to make us an important part of the city, also in terms of promotion, and we want the city to be very strongly identified with Legia. Today, it is not what it should be felt. This report is to systematize the knowledge we all have. These reports are primarily intended for us, but also for officials, to show what is the Legia. We are a company that has a measurable impact on this city. We must clearly state that we are an important part of the urban fabric, not only from a sporting and social point of view, but also from an economic point of view. We want to treat Legia not only as a sports club, but also as a company. This report is also important for Polish football because it shows what football clubs are for cities through the prism of Warsaw and Legia – says Jarosław Jankowski.

Legia has recently made progress in this area. The sports clubs of the capital have been released property taxes for the next two years. After more than two years of "fighting", the establishment of two lots on the side of Czerniakowska Street is approaching, for which the club will pay 7 million zlotys and on which children and young people will train. In addition, years later, it will be the property of the city.

– We do not want to say that Legia should get something, but if the process of renting the land, which is a fallow land, lasts more than two years, is this the result of goodwill and goodwill? cooperation, or rather a misunderstanding? When there is a partnership, these things are dealt with quickly. We do not ask anyone to build a piece of land. We have the market rates, so the relationship is very fair – maybe too much, on our side, because the other cities do not work like that. However, we focus on professionalism and we want to talk about details, for example, the 14 million zlotys for the city against 630,000 zlotys. PLN we receive – say the club representatives.

It can be expected that the thread of the sale of the rights to the name of the stadium will be constantly raised. At the club, they feel that the dialogue with the city has improved and that the climate of cooperation is generally better.

Comments (5)

in full – 28/11/2018 20:29:13, * .warszawa.vectranet.pl

Unfortunate. I like our city like Legia. Let's say what the city and the Varsovians can give to the Legia, but also what the Legia should do for the city and the Varsovians. Legia should have a local radio station, broadcasting 24 hours a day, with advertisements and public announcements. All week before the match, competitions, interviews, souvenirs and incentives to relocate. The Legia should organize every season the next district championships, the top 16 teams with "coaches" of Legia (our players and coaches), the final and feta at Legia. And students from this district during a succession season relevant to Legia. The highlighted PKiN should be the color of Legia. Scarves with district names, hats with district names, T-shirts with these names. Warsaw residents should benefit from a symbolic discount on banknotes – for example 1%. ZTM in the vehicles should announce the match on Łazienkowska throughout the week (interviews, invitations, actions, goals). Buses serving the stadium lines must be painted in our colors. From spring, you can also give a license to paint bikes (scooters) to our colors. At Legia matches must be the authorities of Warszawki, at least the vice president and wind on the radio and television on the benefits of this recreation. The permanent assembly should be registered in mid-May for the party after the championship (visits to the castle). Legia should always have at least one Varsovian by birth. Legia has improved its marketing in recent years, but there is still more to do. The city is "doomed" to Legie, it's our Warsaw club, but it can show Legie more intensely. In the Legia Island's civic budget, with the beer of the sponsors, make kennels to our colors, and allow each district to hire our best graffiti artists to make each school aesthetic.

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