What is Agata Kościkiewicz sick? There is no money for cancer treatment


A Gad Kościkiewicz suffers from a malignant form of cancer for a long time. The old woman guitarist De Mono gave her an honest interview on Gala in which she described her fatal situation. He realizes that cancer will come back. She also admitted that she did not have money for her life.

Agata Kościkiewicz divorced Marek Kościkiewicz, the founder of De Mono, in early 2014. From that moment, she took care of her husband, my sons, Jan and Mikołaj. She found a new life partner and then she learned the disease

Over the years, she had nosebleeds, headaches, but she thought it was because of the stress and overwork. She neglected the symptoms, but the doctors published a diagnosis: a mild form of brain cancer. However, the tumor increased three times in one year

Unfortunately, it turned out later that it was an extremely rare and malignant brain tumor. – When I heard the true diagnosis, the world collapsed. Lymphoma, third-degree malice – said Agata Kościkiewicz in "Dzień Dobry TVN". Already in May she said that the prognosis is very bad.

The situation of TVN's performance deteriorated. In an interview with Gala, she admitted that illness prevented her from working. She also waited a long time for the payment of ZUS money. Where does it get money from life?

"I would like to say that I can not wait for Social Security from ZUS (laughs) The only thing I have now, it's the family support." I went to the hospital for the first time in January, then I went back to work for a second, then I was hospitalized for the second time in February, then I went back to work, but I am already on sick leave since March. "[19659007] Marek Kościkiewicz – reported wp.pl.There is also a collection for treatment.

The illness also thwarted her maternal plans – she dreamed of the third child and she also reconciled with the how his body has changed.

"Unfortunately, this disease deprives us of femininity, intimacy and well-being, a disease is a process, and the healing process also involves accepting what happens to my body, I will not pretend that it's different, I do not understand why I should hide it "- she said in an interview.

The woman has already settled her affairs and prepared for the worst: "I know that the disease will come back … It's a cancer of the blood vessels.if in three months, half a year or a year. "The only thing she is afraid of is the future of her children.

Source: "Gala"

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