What will be the weather for Saturday 21 July 2018 (21 July 2018) in Pomeranian? Heat and no rain [prognoza pogody]


What's the weather like Saturday?

On a cloudy and moderate day. Maximum temperature from 24 ° C to 27 ° C, at the seaside around 23 ° C The wind is weak, from the west.

Cloudy in the night. Mist locally strong. The minimum temperature is between 13 ° C and 15 ° C, and around the sea around 17 ° C. The wind is weak, variable, mostly western.

What will be the weather tomorrow?

On a cloudy and moderate day. Light showers are possible locally. Maximum temperature of 25 ° C to 27 ° C, at the seaside around 24 ° C The wind is weak, from the north directions.

At night, slightly cloudy, gradually from the west of the region rising to moderate. In the morning, in the western part of the region, it is possible to have light rain showers. Minimum temperature 14 ° C to 17 ° C The wind is weak, variable.

What will the weather be like in Pomerania?

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  What will be the weather in Pomerania


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