Wheels of Agriculture manager Władysław Serafin says he knows the secret behind Lepper's death. He is now waiting for his arrest


On 6 December, the Warsaw court will decide whether the head of Wheels of Agriculture Władysław Serafin will be remanded. During his trial, Piotr P., one of the main suspects of the Wołomin SKOK scandal, testified that he was transferring money to PiS political leaders. Serafin also accused in the case SKOK-Wołomin ensures that he is innocent and that he was a victim of this scandal, because he wanted to reveal one of the secrets of the death of Andrzej Lepper.

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Władysław Serafin presents documents which, in his opinion, confirm that the three million credits he obtained from the Wołomin credit unions were sums intended to cover the activity of the agricultural sector. Serafin has complained several times to the prosecutor's office, he wrote to the Minister of Justice. He proved that the interrogator in charge of the case had manipulated the investigation. However, each time, the allegations were rejected.

The president of Kółek Rolniczy claims that his case is a revenge for what he wanted to reveal. After the death of Andrzej Lepper, half a million zlotys of the government grant disappeared from the Samoobrona bank. In his opinion, disclosure of this truth was not within the reach of many influential people. The leaders and leaders of the farmer's unions have, over the years, concealed this case because the budget report indicates that the subsidy has been settled. According to Serafin, the disclosure of this case means the threat of a return of subsidies by agricultural unions in a few years.

Serafin in court will also refer to the testimony of Piotr P., who said he charged the chief of the agricultural circles under pressure from the prosecutor's office. In the case SKOK Wołomin, Serafin is accused of committing 102 crimes, including the payment of 21 million zlotys.


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