When Trump discovers that Mosbacher defends the Polish CNN, he will be dissatisfied with his representative in Poland.


When Trump learns and knows (…) that Mosbacher defends the Polish CNN, a station that repeats every day, that Trump and Kaczyński are new Hitlers and that all members of the right are fascists, a station whose reporters almost cried over the vision when Trump won elections, far left, false news channel, will be very dissatisfied with his representative in Poland

– Matthew Tyrmand said in an interview with PolskieRadio24.pl.

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According to Tyrmand, the US ambassador personally wrote a letter to Prime Minister Morawiecki, and his aides left the mistakes made.

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And the ambassador herself has very little knowledge about diplomacy, Poland and the world, and that is why she let it get behind the nose.

– evaluated.

The publicist drew attention to CV Georgette Mosbacher and his close relationship with the globalists.

He comes from the Republican "old guard", I think that she has a more globalist sensibility, closer to the EU and the liberal side of the dispute

– he said.

Another thing to keep in mind is that she is a close friend of David Zaslow, CEO of Discovery Communication. This, in turn, is a member of the American left. He acts as a lobbyist in his interests, which is completely different from Trump and his supporters.

– he added.

He also compared TVN to the American channel CNN, which the US president often calls the "fake news factory".

When Trump learns and that he knows, because he went to the AP, that the New York Times and the Washington Post gave, that Mosbacher defends Polish CNN, a station that repeats all the day, that Trump and Kaczyński are new Hitlers, and all right-wing militants are fascists, a station whose reporters almost cried over the vision when Trump won the elections, the far-left television channel, will be very unhappy with his representative in Poland

Tyrmand was saying.

READ MORE: An important letter from the writer Skwarczyński to Ambassador Mosbacher. "TVN is the same here as CNN or NBC for Trump supporters"

In firm terms, he also stated that his defense of the TVN channel was "hypocritical".

He does not understand all the facts. He does not know the realities in which the Polish right works. Its employees should know this, but they also have one goal: to destroy the alliance of like-minded Polish and American authorities. They do not like both

– he said.

I warned him for a long time, no one paid attention, now they are listening

– he added.

As Matthew Tyrmand said, Gowin made the right decision by canceling the meeting with the US ambassador.

When it behaves in this way, without respect, without understanding the Polish realities, it is important to ignore becoming a leftist activist, like its employees. Not lagging. He wants to meet the left – let him meet. It will have no power or power to regulate anything

– He declared, fortunate at a time, that by doing so, "he will not spend the year" in the installation of Poland.


Georgette Mosbacher writes to Prime Minister Michał Karnowski writes to Mosbacher. "What should I do with the publisher Wojciech Biedron?"

OUR INTERVIEW. Waszczykowski: Ambassador Mosbacher is a New York celebrity. We have problems with his lack of professionalism

CCP / polskieradio24.pl

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