Where is the storm? Storms today July 19, 2018


We have a precise time forecast of the ICM of the University of Warsaw for nearly 60,000 locations in Poland! Thanks to our weather service, the rain will never surprise you. Check the forecasts for www.pogoda.onet.pl !

Where is the storm? Warnings for five voivodeships

IMGW issued top-level meteorological warnings in the Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie and Świętokrzyskie regions. In Silesia and Little Poland, there is a second and third degree of threat of heavy rains with storms. The most threatened povia are: Pszczyna, Bielsko, Cieszyn, Żywiec, Oświęcim, Wadowice, Suski, Nowy Targ and Tatra. In places, the rain falls from 75 to 90 mm, locally to 130 mm. During the storm, the gusts will reach 65 km / h.

Where is the storm? Hydrological warnings

A large amount of precipitation has caused a significant increase in the state of the waters in the watercourses. The IMGW has also issued hydrological warnings. They are valid in the following provinces: Wielkopolskie, Lubuskie, Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Świętokrzyskie, Podkarpackie, Śląskie and Małopolskie. In the last two, there is a third level of danger. It is likely that the alarm conditions will be exceeded.

Where is the storm? The weather forecast for today

Today, planners are planning another rainy day. In the eastern and central part of Poland, storms are forecast, hail will decrease locally. The expected rainfall can reach 25 l / m². On the thermometers, we will see 17, 18 and 21 degrees Celsius in the Western voivodeships and Podhale up to 28 and 29 degrees in Łódź, Warmia and Mazury, in the Lublin region and in Mazovia

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Source: IMGW, Weather Onet

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