Who will win the election? PiS with an excellent result Pollster Research Institute Poll


T for another opinion poll optimistic for Law and Justice. First, the Public Opinion Research Center, and therefore the government foundation, has informed that the party in power can count on 40%. support. Now the Pollster Research Institute in the investigation for "Wiadomości" TVP reports that PiS can get up to 42 percent.

It is difficult to take such results seriously, given the propaganda efforts of the "News" TVP. According to the pollster poll, Platforma Obywatelska has 26%. support, therefore, loses 16 percentage points to Law and Justice. Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej and Kukiz & # 39; 15 with 8% support

were last on the podium, at the limit of the electoral threshold was the modern and Polish People's Party. Both groups support 5 percent. respondents. The study was conducted on July 4 and 5, 2018

recall that the Social Opinion Research Center reports that the OP has got 16%. support, while PiS 40 percent The last step of the podium was the Kukiz movement with 15%. support.

source: Info TVP

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