Why this total lunar eclipse 2018 will be the celestial event changing the most life of the year


There are more eclipses coming, astronomers! Certainly, some of us have not really had the opportunity to deal with the partial solar eclipse on July 12, but let 's be realistic, we really have not had a chance to see it again. other choice than to surrender. For the record, the total lunar eclipse 2018, aka blood moon, should not be taken lightly. On the contrary, it is said that it is the longest total lunar eclipse of this century. That in itself is pretty mind-blowing, do not you think?

July 27, at 4:20 pm accurate. AND, the moon will make a trip through the shadow of the earth, for about an hour and 43 minutes. This eclipse will appear orange and red, because of the sunlight that crosses the Earth's atmosphere and is reflected on the moon. I know, is not it totally magical? Although the majority of us do not attend this cosmic event (North America) because the moon will be below the horizon.

This particular eclipse is part of the eclipse family of Leo-Aquarius, which is expected to continue until early 2019. The lunar eclipse of July 27 will be in 4 degrees Aquarius, and the following will be the first time. Solar eclipse of August 11 will be in 18 degrees Leo. The final eclipse of Leo-Aquarius, however, will take place on January 21, 2019 in 0 degree Leo. This will be the conclusion of a two and a half year cycle.

So far, here is the 411 on this massive lunation:

Total lunar eclipse in Aquarius


For starters, the moon is a very emotional planet, so you can already imagine the l? emotion of a lunar eclipse this is true. However, this eclipse will be in the sign of Aquarius, which also happens to be the sign of the collective.

Aquarius is the humanitarian zodiac because it represents social groups, teams and tribes. With the moon in Aquarius, the reactions tend to be more logical than emotional, because our humanity becomes the head of the mind.

Let It Go


This total lunar eclipse will take place next to the South. Node and Mars Retrograde. It's wild. For beginners, in astrology, anything that connects the south knot means that it cleans, cleans and leaves our lives. (FYI: The south knot represents both the gifts and the karmic debt we bring from past lives.) Now, by adding wood to fire, Mars will also be involved, which will make this end much more powerful. Although, with Mars Retrograde, there could be some frustration in the process.

In other words, Mars loves to go fast. His energy is vigorous, enthusiastic and passionate AF. However, in retrograde, this intense energy is internalized, so it may seem somewhat agitated. Nevertheless, the universe requires us to let go of something and to free ourselves from emotional charges (from the moon).

This is Electric


The lunar eclipse, alongside Mars Rx and South Node, will make a square (voltage) to rebellious Uranus. Interestingly enough, Uranus is the global leader of Aquarius, and he literally changed the signs into Taurus, so it's a whole new level of meaning. Uranus is the planet of chaos, electricity and rebellion. Taurus represents our income, our values ​​and our self-esteem. Together, these energies will transmit electric waves of change, pushing us to a whole new level of perspective. Now, it's really powerful, and since the South knot is involved, it will help us get rid of what no longer serves us. Are you ready?

Boost of Confidence


This lunar eclipse will be a blessing in disguise, and I will tell you why. On the day of the eclipse, the sun in Leo will also be conjoined with the North Node. The sun represents our soul purpose, and the north knot is basically the yellow brick road to the sun, aka our soul. In addition, the sun is our energy and our vitality, so this could certainly be a confidence booster, as well as a bright light in our lives.

Let Love In


Despite the intimidation of this lunar eclipse, know that you are undergoing a beautiful transformation. This is your metamorphosis and your evolution of the soul. Release what no longer serves you, and open the door to change.

Let the love in.

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