Why Weronika Rosati and Robert Śmigielski separate?


Weronika Rosati (34) and Robert Śmigielski (52) are not together – it's already confirmed. However, little is known about the reasons for the breakdown of the relationship. Now in one of the magazines, a friend of the actress commented behind the scenes of their departure

Great changes in the life of Weronika Rosati. A few months ago, she became a mother for the first time. In the world, there is little Elizabeth, who has completely robbed the heart of the actress.

In conversation with "Viva!" she said that the girl "is the person with whom she wants to spend the most time in the world", that "now the most important thing for her is Ela" and that "since she became a mother, motherhood fills all her world ".

In the interview, Rosati did not really want to talk about the girl's father. At the same time, information appeared that andmigielski and she were separated. Director Weronika confirmed the surprising news. However, she did not want to go into details. Unlike "Flesza", which concerns the rupture of the relationship actress and orthopedist.

Apparently, the beginning of the crisis dates back to the time when Rosati was not pregnant yet.

"After the first months of craze, it turned out that they both had strong and expressive characters." There were several quarrels between them, sometimes they separated, but they always came back to each other "says the friend of the actress.

Supposedly, when they have learned that they would become parents, there was a desire and a hope to create a real family.Unfortunately, we already know that it did not work.

"Weronika felt that she gave more in this relationship. "Robert was more and more impressed by the interest of the media:" This approach surprised and disappointed, "he adds.

When Rosati was pregnant, she did not live with Śmigielski, they had to plan real life together after the birth, they even arranged a flat together, but unfortunately they did not live in three of us …

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