Wikipedia does not work in three European countries. This is a protest against the EU directive


Wikipedia was excluded Wednesday not only in Poland; it also does not work in at least two other European countries – Spain and Italy. This is an protest against the new EU directive on the protection of copyright in the digital single market

The directive would threaten the freedom of the Internet and impose new filters, barriers and restrictions on access to the network – said Wikipedia Spain in its statement, quoted by the agency AFP. If the directive were approved in its current form, activities such as sharing information on social networks or access to information via a search engine would be much more complicated

The encyclopedias on the Internet do not fall within the scope of the Commission's copyright proposal, "AFP explains. However, Wikipedia's leader Jimmy Wales is confident that this will be the case.

Thursday in the European Parliament in plenary, the vote on the position of the EP Legal Committee on the reform of copyright proposed by the European Commission will take place. When it is adopted, it will become the official negotiating mandate of the European Parliament for discussions on the final form of regulation with the member countries.

AFP stresses that the vote on Thursday will not determine the issue, negotiations will be initiated with the Member States. 19659007] On 20 June, the EP Legal Affairs Committee adopted a position on this reform proposed by the European Commission. The new directive is to change the rules for publishing and monitoring online content. The goal is, among other things, to fight against piracy. The controversy is particularly evoked by two articles of the directive: art. 11, which concerns the rights of publishers of press publications, and the art. 13, which discusses the responsibility of online platforms for copyrighted content.

Polish Wikipedia has been excluded for 24 hours from Wednesday from the 15th. After integrating the Polish version of Wikipedia, we read that the current content of the directive discussed in the European Parliament does not update the right of Author in Europe and does not promote participation in civil society, threatens online freedom and creates obstacles. access to the network.

The authors of the communiqué, signed as "co-founder of Wikipedia", also claim that the directive introduces new restrictions, filters and restrictions. Below the text, there is also a link to the text with a call ready to members of the European Parliament, which can be sent by any Internet user.


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