Wikipedia does not work! The obscured pages are a sign of protest against ACTA 2. The failure of Wikipedia is not a coincidence


Wikipedia does not work! The obscured pages are a sign of protest against ACTA 2

Today, July 4, Internet users will not be able to use Wikipedia, a free online encyclopedia. If you want to see the password of the user on the Wikipedia page, Wikipedia's position on the issue of the Copyright Directive is displayed. ACTA 2.

The declaration states that if the European Parliament votes to propose the directive on copyright by the committee responsible and that the proposed directive is adopted as it was accepted by the commission JURI , the opening of the Internet will be seriously compromised.

– The current content of the directive does not update the copyright in Europe and does not promote participation in civil society, it threatens online freedom and creates obstacles to it. access to the Web. It introduces new restrictions, filters and restrictions. If the offer is accepted in its current form, sharing encyclopedic knowledge in social networks, it may not be possible to find articles in the search engines. Wikipedia will also be at risk – you can read in Wikipedia's position on the Copyright Directive.

ACTA 2.0 facts and myths. Protests all over Poland. What is the truth in the censorship of the Internet? What is ACTA 2 What's going on?

For these reasons, Wikipedia in Polish decided to hide its pages.

– We want to continue to offer a free, open social encyclopedia based on verifiable sources – posted by wikipedia.

In their position, they also call on all members and members of the EP to vote against the procedure of the directive before a specialized committee and to review the discussions and consider amendments and delete Articles 11 and 11. 13 of the Directive.

Wikipedia will be obscured for 24 hours, or until Thursday, July 5 at 15

Last weekend (June 29 – July 1), protests against the EU directive on the Copyright, baptized ACTA 2, were held throughout Poland.


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