Will Robert Biedro participate in the presidential election? We will soon know the story


Jan the singer – the common candidate of the urban movements, the Party of Together, the Greens and the Initiatives of Poland for the President of Warsaw – argues that if the capital succeeds in building a coalition, it could be an alternative to PiS. Polski

– Robert Biedro is the natural leader of a new progressive force, which could be created in Poland and will move a lot. The key will be how you want to build your movement. Will it rely on itself or let other entities play an important role

Read: Robert Biedro: In the misery and despair of the PO, they are nothing different from the PiS. They talk about the slopes

Robertina Biedronia, as a representative of the widely understood left, also emphasizes Paulina Piechna-Wickiewicz of the Poland Initiative, which argues that he would be a good candidate.

According to poll released today, Pollster for Super Express shows that Robert Biedronia would like to give 17% of respondents, giving him third place for the most received support from Andrzej Dud and Donald Tusk

– I have a dilemma of standing for a candidate or a candidate, and at some point pursuing politics at the national level, or not a candidate in general. The third option is the most rational. Because if I run for President Supska, it could be that we are the PiS election commissioner and PiS is the Supra government by year – the TOK FM translator does not have a decision Robert Biedro

and we will know it in the next few months.

Want to know more? Drought! You will also learn from the program:

  • Robert Bierdo is wrong about the PO
  • What is his attitude towards the idea of ​​a unified opposition?

Robert Biedro: In the misery and despair of the PO, they are no different from Law and Justice. They talk about the slopes

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