Wimbledon: Agnieszka Radwańska retired in the second round with Lucie Safarova


London Correspondence

The second round of Wimbledon from the point of view of the Krakow woman has always been synonymous with problems. Last season, she defended her matches with Christina McHale, but she passed the exam. A year earlier, she was against the wall with Ania Konjuh, but also did not let her opponent use the match balls and came back from the abyss. When this time in the second set, after the continuation of the state of 1: 5, in the tenth game found himself again against the wall, it seemed that, once again, he could be miraculously saved. The Brno athlete had the chance to finish the match, but the foreplay was out and Radwańska stayed in the game. There were stops by her name, in total she collected them in a few minutes, seven, but she did not change her luck for one point. The tennis player from our southern neighbors, who seemed more and more terrified and shaken, managed to keep her cool and led to a happy ending. And then she took a deep breath

An expensive mistake

– Safarova is defended against defeat right now – commented Wojciech Fibak. – If Agnieszka equalized at 5: 5, the rival would not be able to handle all the luggage that she would receive on her back. Mentally, she sat down. She was close to a breakdown, but she held up. Tennis is nevertheless a fair discipline. In the first round, with Rumania Ruse, Polce's fortune helped, now he was completely on the other side of the net – was evaluated by Wimbledon's quarterfinals from 1980. He also came back long ago to the end of the first set, in which Radwańska had two hundred figures. Above all, we will remember it for a long time.

– This lob will be dreaming at night, because he defended himself brilliantly sometimes and gave nothing for free – sighs Fibak. – She took the ball in a comfortable position, lined with a rocket. Rywalka was in a desperate situation. Krakow has earned such points in his career hundreds, and just now, having that great feeling, did not hit. I know what he feels, and I have also experienced such moments. They then decided on the results of the biggest tournaments – he recalled. Commentators of the BBC joked that Isia had not broken such a blow since 1994. Then for the first time in her life she even went to tennis

Our champion for the second time of his career so quickly said goodbye to Wimbledon. For the second time in the second round, she was eliminated by the Czech. Seven years ago, when she started working with Tomasz Wiktorowski, Petra Cetkovska sent her to the car. At the time, however, we felt that something important was just beginning. And indeed, in the months and years that followed, the greatest successes of his career came: almost immediately, good results in Asia, then the finals and semifinals of Wimbledon, good performances at the same time. Open from Australia. Now, on the contrary, the mood is becoming more decadent. Radwańska, who is in his late twenties, is more and more often injured by back or foot injuries, and the Krakow are finding that the nonstop distance of the opponents is increasing. And not only to the youngest but also to the older and experienced. Behind them is also difficult to follow. The polka lost to the 66th rocket of the world, which happened to him (with the exception of Cetkovska) in London in the past did not occur. Here, he was falling, always with the biggest stars: the Williams sisters, Kuznetsova, Na Li, or other rivals in their thirties. Now she gritted her teeth and beat herself until the end, but she did not give advice to the rival – at least in theory – much weaker.

What's next, Agnieszka?

Agnieszka and Lucie performed at Wimbledon for the 13th time, and we already know which thirteenth was unlucky. The departure to London was to be an injection of energy and fresh fuel, which will continue until the end of the season. He was not, unfortunately he was not there. And when I watched Šafařova I congratulated myself wondering what she was thinking. Would she still have enough motivation to return to the sacred grass in the next few years? Will not her priorities change in the near future and persevere in the tour, as she announced, for the Tokyo Games? This performance was supposed to be a stepping stone for her, from which she would rebound in the rankings, but there are many indications that she will fall again in two weeks. – Safarova jde dal – The Czech media are happy. Yes, he continues. And Agnieszka comes home.

Lucie Šafařova (Czech Republic) – Agnieszka Radwańska (Poland, 32) 7: 5, 6: 4

Duration: 1 hour 42 min

64% first time pass 81%

9 aces 0

2 double errors 0

36/55 points after the first service 35/55

18/31 points after the second service 8/13

3 out of 9 breaks / stopping points 1 of 11

81 winning balls 73


7 MATCHES with left-handed tennis players played Agnieszka Radwańska during his career at Wimbledon. Twice she defeated Australian Casey Dellacqua, she also won with Hungarian Melinda Czink, Spaniard Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez and Czech Iveta Benešova. She lost to Russia's Yekaterina Makarova and now to Šafarova

2 CZESZKI won major victories in London. Apart from Šafarova, Karolina Pliškova, who beat Wiktoria Azerenka, also triumphed. For our southern neighbors, it's a great consolation after their main candidate, Petr Kvitova, gave up Tuesday.

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