Wimbledon: Dawid Celt on the game of Agnieszka Radwańska


Celt spoke to the Polish media after Radwanska's defeat at the second Wimbledon Grand Slam with Czeszka Lucie Safarova 5: 7, 4: 6.

"A lot depends on her and her approach is the most important in all of this, from all sides, we have several people to help her prepare, (…) but in the end she must have everything settled in her head and be ready for the competition "- at -he analyses.

is ready – mainly mentally – to play in his case, it is better to take a little liberty and get ready for more starts. "

The Krakow coach explained that in the case of Radwanska," the welfare is the key action, as it is good, we can talk to others aspects of tennis. "

" Today, it was also perfectly clear that she was not making decisions, taking risks, it is in these crucial moments – and on a level such as Lucie Safarova, the the same thing does not go away, you have to help your opponent, (…) give pressure, it was missing at key moments "- he assessed. Radwańska admitted that the Polish woman may also have problems adapting to the changing nature of women's tennis.

"Time runs inexorably." Agnieszka's tennis is a bit older, based on a strong repetition, on feeling, on the use of opponents' weaknesses, forcing mistakes. we all know exactly what happens in tennis, especially for women, the physical strength is enormous and sometimes it is difficult to get into the train + the girls fight very hard, very fast, and sometimes very precisely If you do not put yourself in physical strength, you probably did not have any tips to answer it, "he analyzes.

Former 32-year-old Radwańska will play less and not play in tournaments. in San Jose (July 30 to August 5) and Montreal (August 3 to 12)

"Right now the plan is to play Cincinatti, New Heaven and New York. absolute pressure on the points, because it is not the moment to steal and chase them, "he explains.

As he admitted," the goal is d & # 39; 39; Agnieszka to have a good attitude.

"I do not mean (…) that we will win Wimbledon and the US Open. We want to play, we want it to play as long as possible, so that the head has all the time, as much energy as possible, that well – being is good, healthy, safe, and healthy. first, that there is no injury. If it's going to be a bit confident, then we think that he can still earn good girlfriends, "he explained.

Celt said that he hoped that after a good performance in Eastbourne, where Radwańska had come In the semifinals, the player will regain confidence despite his defeat in the second round of Wimbledon

"What was happening in Eastbourne was definitely a big surprise in the most. Yes to the peasant spirit, all those who have already played tennis know that after a 2.5-month break practically no match, no tournament, no competition, but with considerable health problems and no training as if you really wanted, with "The coach noted that the overall performance of Krakow on the grass was causing him" a lot of optimism, (…) even though somewhere in the end always a man wants more and this appetite grows up, because that is human nature. "

Radwańska was the last representative of Poland, remained in the game. Tuesday, their first matches were lost to Magda Linette and Hubert Hurkacz

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