Wisla Krakow. Another summer and the next corner of the "White Star"


Regarding the Wisła Stadium, they are enigmatic. As if each speech accompanied the fear that a word too much could spoil the already tense relationship with the magistrate. – The Council leads all discussions with the city on this subject. We are counting on their positive final – the leader of the "white star" Marzena Sarapata is reducing this problem.

The president of the Vistula speaks a little more willingly about the financial situation of the club.

There are a lot of questions here. On forums and social media portals, they are solicited by football fans very angry, among which, after the past week, the shares of the board have clearly dropped. The reason? First, problems with the stadium, but also selling Carlos Lopez to Legia Warszawa for a price well below that expected by fans. Whatever the case may be, the fact that the finances of the "White Star" are still not in the best conditions is best demonstrated by the change of course that they took in the Vistula when it was over. It's about building a team for the new season. The slimming of staff, the acquisition of young and cheap footballers did not arrive after all. Was not it too late to take such rescue measures? Apparently, at the club, they came to the conclusion that the winter hiring of coach Joan Carrillo with assistants, which cost about $ 170,000 a month, was simply a mistake. Just like bringing in players who did not carry anything in the team, like Nikola Mitrović or Matej Palcić, and who are only lifted if, in the case of the Slovenian, they further increase the cost of maintaining the team. team. With such a case, Marzena Sarapata only partially agrees.

– In the case of Joan Carrillo, I reiterate my opinion that I do not comment on the situation – explains the president of Wisła. – The coach does the same. In winter, the context of the club situation was slightly different from today, which is why the current change in club building policy was needed. This does not automatically mean that everything that was before was a mistake. No doubt, however, not all transfer movements have been affected. We are aware of that.

Reassessing the abilities of the club and the team is a fact, not an opinion. And today, it appears as the main objection to the management of the Vistula. Instead of specifying at the latest in winter that the situation is still very difficult and, in the first place, it is necessary to pay off debts, everyone said that the team is fighting for European cuts. The effect is that the cups are not there, and the "White Star" has a huge problem, among others with the stadium. So, was the risk taken too big?

– The situation is difficult mainly because of the stadium and the need to settle, but certainly as a club, we are better prepared for all the difficulties – Sarapata maintains.

When asked for a more detailed explanation and that it answers the question of whether the situation of the Vistula today can be compared to that of there are two years, Marzena Sarapata adds: – The debt is still very high, all the data of the published financial report. The club consistently implements settlements with creditors. We have successfully defended against much of the claims of members of the previous coaching team or the Avancesport Company. We should remember that much, operating in the consciousness of debt club supporters, are always questionable amounts, which the appropriate bodies or tribunals must express. We are counting on failures in some areas, but we are not laying down our arms. Please note that, for example, in terms of debt for the stadium, in the period when the Sports Association is the owner, the rent is regulated, although delays occur. Let's not forget, however, that part of the debt owed to ZIS is disputed because of the deduction made by the club. Let me also remind you that we have never had a problem with the fulfillment of the PZPN's financial licensing criteria.

One of the objections that is formulated to the Vistula authorities is that concerning trainers. The club, which has financial problems, is not fully explained with up to three trainers. – Joan Carrillo's contract is terminated and I will not comment on the subject – says Marzena Sarapata. – The dispute with Dariusz Wdowczyk is pending before the competent bodies of the PZPN, as well as before the court seized of the club's request by a common court. However, the agreement with Kiko Ramirez still applies. The coach is exempt from the obligation to provide services to the club but remains on our payroll.

If you talk about agreements, some time ago, they were concluded with the former players of Wisła Marko Jovanovic and Milan Jovanić and UFA Sports. We asked the president of the "White Star", what is the settlement phase of the club in this regard?

– Already at the stage of proceedings before FIFA, the club managed to reduce by 30% the debt of Marko Jovanovic – reveals Marzena Sarapata. – Then a settlement was negotiated, in which the player agreed to repay in installments and waived the interest. We reached a settlement at 80 per cent. 3 remaining installments. In the case of Milan Jovanić, also at the contentious stage, there was a debt reduction of about 10%. Then we also managed to negotiate a payment settlement that is implemented here. The debt is repaid at around 60%. During negotiations with the legal successor of UFA Sports, it was possible to significantly reduce the debt of nearly PLN 7 million claimed. A favorable settlement was reached, and 25% of the amount originally claimed was left to be refunded.

The situation is not improved by the fact that there is still no serious investor in Wisła who could finance his account and help repay his debts. Although the authorities of the "White Star" still repeat that the subject of entry into the football company of American billionaire Paul Bragiel has not been closed, almost no one already believes that this is actually possible. Marzena Sarapata, however, maintains: – I support my opinion, which I have already expressed several times. There is an agreement between us so that we do not provide any additional information until our discussions are finalized.

However, there is always a question, where does Wisla get the middle for the subsequent operation of the club? Current inflows (for the previous year, they amounted to a little over 26 million PLN) do not allow for a peaceful existence.

– In the current situation, we can increase revenues in all areas – explains Marzena Sarapata. – In 2017, we increased revenue from the sale of tickets by approximately 20%, from the sale of souvenirs of 60%. It was also a record year for income from transfers. Thanks to this, despite the repayment of the debt, the company managed to obtain an unprecedented income surplus of about 3 million PLN. We want to continue this policy, especially to win young players who will gain experience and that the club can sell at a profit. We also want to encourage fans to support us at Reymonta 22. We are winning new sponsors and partners successfully and successfully. under the "Business Club 1906", which already has more than 60 companies. We have also stepped up actions to recover debts. The claims of the Italian clubs of Catania and Genoa were recovered in more than 90% of the cases. We know, however, that all the above can be done more efficiently and better. We are striving for that.

Everything is beautiful, but there are still delays in player payments, as we know. The fact that they have recently received some of the salary arrears, solves the case only for a moment. The situation will not be saved by the transfer of Carlitos to Legia Warsaw. In the situation with the stadium, you can expect that the whole, or at least a significant part of the amount that the club of ul. Łazienkowska will be transferred to the account of Wisła (less than half a million euros), it will be quickly transferred to the city.

– Players now have a month's salary late – betrays Sarapata. – Administrative employees employed under employment contracts and civil law contracts have regular salaries.

On the transfer of Carlitos to the Legia, whose height is difficult to satisfy, the president of the Vistula adds: – You must absolutely look positively this transfer, considering that coming to Wisła was completely unknown, won for nothing. Through the game of Wisła, he has reached his life form and made himself known. We hope that other competitors will also follow this path. There were many questions about Carlitos from Poland and abroad, but the competitor was only interested in traveling to Legia Warsaw. Given the circumstances, we decided to accept this transfer. The funds received – in the short and long term – contribute to the stabilization of the club's financial situation.

Is it enough that the budget is balanced and sufficient for both the current activity and the repayment of old commitments?

– Business is always accompanied by risks. We are aware of that. We hope, however, that our work will bring the expected results – concludes Marzena Sarapata

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