Wisla Krakow. Fran Velez leaves the club


Spanish defender Fran Velez, for family reasons, separates from Wisla Krakow

The contract of a 27-year-old football player with Wisła was dissolved by mutual agreement

Velez returns to Spain, and the immediate reason to leave the "White Star" is the disease of his daughter. The footballer already had the intention to return to his homeland.

"Hello, it's a sad moment for me because I have to say goodbye to the club and the fans, the only thing I can tell you is: thanks for the way you've got me "I felt at home here," said Velez on a short recording

"And that was home, I said it from the first day here. colleagues "- he added

" The reason to leave is the problems of the girl and that is the most important thing I have to be with her now and the best solution was to come home, so j & Had to make this difficult decision stop me and ask for help and try to resolve the situation, but in the end, my departure is related to personal problems and the best solution for my family was to return to H iszpania, thanks again! "- explained the whole situation of Fran Velez

The Spaniard went to Wisła before the start of last season and played as a central defender and defensive midfielder

He played 17 Ekstraklasa matches, and the only goal scored in the away match against the Warsaw Legia was won 2-0 by the "White Star".


Check out the schedule of Ekstraklasa

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