Wisla Krakow. Rafał Pietrzak has returned to the "White Star" and is nowhere to choose …


– No bet on who will be the most effective shooter we have not, but it's fun to score goals – smiles Rafał Pietrzak. – That's the same thing in the league. From my point of view, it is good to have good numbers. It's just a fight, but it's always a signal that if the defender scores goals, that's his plus.

Rafał Pietrzak's goal allowed Wisła to tie Monaco 1: 1 and beat France's runner-up, thanks to which she won the Henryk Reyman Cup.

– In the locker room we laughed that we already have the first trophy this season, and now it's time to fight for the next – let's see Pietrzak. – The atmosphere is very good in the team now, the jokes are on the agenda. This authorization is necessary to work hard.

The Wisła defender scored after a very good action from Patryk Małecki. – We with Patryk in sparrings have already done such actions. It's good that it works like this, I'm happy with this goal and it's the same thing in the league – says the player.

Asked, however, about Małecki's disposition, which is in good spirits on a good note, he adds: "I do not know what happened when I was not in the Vistula and what was the situation with Patryk at that time.Now, however, I see that it is still the "Little" that I knew.It pulls the goal, notes the passes in sparrings.It is the thing the more important.

Pietrzak does not hide the fact that the chance to play against France's second was a nice break from hard work during the pre-season.

– We came to this match as a training unit, but playing with such a rival is also fun – he says. – Of course, it was not the first team in Monaco, because the strongest names are still in the World Cup or on vacation. The players who came to Krakow, however, showed that they have great skills. We showed a good side against this rival. We were not scared, we played high, we missed too. We did not bring shame.

Pietrzak returned to Wisła from Zagłębie Lubin, mentioned earlier, and although his situation was not very clear until recently, Arkadiusz Głowacki stated that this player would play for Wisła in the last days.

– I've known for a long time that I'm staying in Krakow – Pietrzak is not hiding. – There is nothing else I can do, how much to train, fight for the first team. I hope that will be appreciated. I also know that coach Joan Carrillo had other projects for me and if he was still working here, I probably would not have enough room for me. After the arrival of coach Maciej Stolarczyk, each player got a clean card.

The "White Star" player did not register much in Lubin, but he is still happy to be able to pass a tour in Lower Silesia.

– Indeed, many matches in Lubin in the first team, I did not play, because I played only four times in first league – admits the player. – For me, the most important thing was that I was in the rhythm of the game. Zagłębie has reservations, so I could play 90 minutes every week. After the rupture of the Achilles tendon, it was very important for me to arrive at the right place.

Now in Wisla Rafał Pietrzak is competing for a place on the left wing, mainly with the young Marcin Grabowski, imported from Lech Poznań. Until recently, it seemed that Maciej Sadlok would be the number one on the left side of the defense "White Star", but now he is exposed mainly as the central defender. Pietrzak goes calmly to the competition for a place in the team. She points out that she can all go out for good.

– I think the competition will help the team – he explains. – We know that everyone wants to play, but there are only eleven places on the field. Each of us is struggling to find one in this eleven. If each of us will fight one hundred percent, the level of the entire team will be high.

After returning to the Vistula, Rafał Pietrzak also found a slightly different situation, as Joan Carrillo, mentioned by him, left, but also the legends of the "White Star" – Paweł Brożek and Arkadiusz Głowacki – have disappeared of the cloakroom. Pietrzak points out that the hierarchy is in the process of reforming. – We know that Arek and Paweł were very important characters in the team – says the Wisła player. – But it's the turn of things that some leave. We are building the atmosphere in the team now. Players such as Maciek Sadlok or Marcin Wasilewski hold the locker room. In football, however, the most important are the results, they affect the atmosphere the most. That is why I hope we will win.

Asked about who is in the locker room of Wisła in Brożek and Głowacki, Pietrzak adds: "Adam Kokoszka is now in place of Arka Głowacki.Paweł's place is currently slow, so who knows, maybe be that an attacker will join us …

Wisła is changing, and fans with curiosity, but also looking forward to the start of the first league. Rafał Pietrzak, asked what the "White Star" is going to play in the new season, says: "It's too early to talk about goals, so for now you have to prepare for the competition. weeks and I think a moment will come when we will have a meeting with all the staff.Then the objectives will be clearly defined.

What these goals would not be, in their implementation is to help a lot of young footballers, who are not lacking now in the Vistula. Rafał Pietrzak talks about his younger colleagues: – These are boys who are still with us during training. We get to know each other, and we, a little older athletes, remember perfectly that each of us has already been very young and joined the team. We help each other, and I can assure you that these young boys are able to play football and will soon press us harder.

Finally, we ask the competitor if he is not afraid that Wisła is obliged to play in another stadium than that of ul. Reymont. It is known that the "White Star" still does not have a major contract with the city for stadium rentals. – I do not see any other option, and the fans also showed what they thought during the match against Monaco. Here is our house and I hope we will play with Reymont on Reymont. We train every day to be ready for the first game. It is known that we receive signals about what is happening, but when we go to training, we only think about the work – the footballer Wisła ends.

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