Wisła Kraków revealed a surprise for the fans! Soccer


Wisła Kraków recently regained the license of the game in the Premier League. Currently, the club is preparing for the spring round in Turkey and the new footballer was £ ukasz Burliga, who was persuaded to be transferred by Jakub Błaszczykowski. Wis³a is always lying to the ears and looking for an investor who would ensure its survival. However, thanks to a loan from Jakub Błaszczykowski, Jarosław Królewski and Tomasz Ja¿dżyński (4 million zlotys in total), the players received part of the outstanding payments.

Wisła Kraków wants to break the record

Wisła Kraków is now counting on the support of her supporters. The club wants to break the Polish record for the number of passes sold, which currently belongs to Widzew £ ód¼. – Do you want to become a realWis member? Remember that what matters are the acts, not the words! – writes the Krakow club on its official website. Online vouchers are new. They are intended for fans who do not have a fan card. The purchased voucher can be redeemed for a pass, through which you can choose any place in the stadium. The good does not have to be implemented; Supporters in this way can financially support their club.

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