Wiśniewski's wife donated a rabbit to a reality show. Now translated brutal photos


Dominika Tajner participated in a new survival program and in one episode had to scalp a dead rabbit. Now he has to explain to animal rights advocates.

The wife of Michał Wiśniewski will be one of the participants of the program "Madness24". The reality show is supposed to show how to break in nature, being only about oneself. Dominika Tajner has already participated in the "agent", so she said that she will certainly be ready to face the challenges of survival in the next show. However, she did not expect producers to treat the subject of the program as literally.

One of Tajner's tasks was to strip the rabbit from the skin and cook it on a fire. At the network came the pictures of the program plan, where you can see how the singer's wife linked the game, and later they rabbit the meat. This destroyed animal rights activists who accused celebrities of killing an animal. Tajner decided to explain how the controversial event occurred

– I took part in such a survival program. As you know, survival is the art of surviving in life-threatening situations. That's what a man learns during such travels. I immediately report that I did not kill or eviscerate this rabbit. I found a dead rabbit in a cave, and the task was to prepare him to roast on a campfire. That's how I got the job, so I did it. I am a carnivore, I have nothing to hide. I assure you, however, that there was no evisceration in the rabbit, I did not kill him. In this episode, Dominika Tajner-Wiśniewska said: "There was no violence in this episode".

Tomasz Kuczyński, the program's host, also defended the star. He issued a special statement regarding Dominika Tajner's participation in the "Madness24" program. His arguments will certainly not be appreciated by animal rights advocates.

– We do not kill animals and we do not do our guests do it. The rabbit was bought before the program! Dominika's task was to find him in mine shafts and flooded framing. She was the only nutritional she received during the 24 hours of intensive effort of the "Madness24" program. We will not explain to those who do not understand or rather do not want to understand … Look at your shoes, sofas, cars … what you eat every day … think before commenting … – wrote the speaker

Do you expect a survival program with Dominika Tajner? The last thing we would like to see on TV is Wiśniewski's wife who framed the animal

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