Wladko Iliewski is dead. The participant in Eurovision was 33 years old


Wladko Iliewski is dead. A Macedonian actor and singer who in 2011 represented Macedonia at the Eurovision Song Contest in Düsseldorf, was found dead in his car. The musician was only 33 years old.

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Włatko Iliewski was born on July 2, 1985 in Skopje. At the age of 9, he began learning to play piano and guitar. In 2011, he was on the list of national elimination finalists at the 56th Eurovision Song Contest, which he reported with the song "Rusinka".

On May 12, the singer appeared in the second semifinal of the competition, in which he finished 16th and did not qualify for the final competition.

Wladko Iliewski died

The Macedonian police informed about the death of the musician. The 33-year-old body was found in his car.


The prosecutor and police came to the site and inspected, according to the prosecutor's order, the body was subjected to autopsies, reported the Interior Ministry of Fruit salad.

SEE the song" Rusinka ":

Eurovision: 10 unforgettable moments in the history of the competition [WIDEO]


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