Władysław Frasyniuk: Power begins with searching people


– We are dealing with a turning state and the police will be treated the same way as the ZOMO at that time – said Frasyniuk in a conversation with Justyna Pochanke. – No Błaszczak and Brudzinski, and you will be on the front line – he added, referring to the situation of police officers who intervene, inter alia during protests against the changes in the judiciary

"The President of the Court is a politruk of the granting of Ziobro "

Władysław Frasyniuk also referred to a lawsuit against him to resist the police during the protest. – The senior officer was embarrassed to testify against me in court. However, the police officer who was admitted to the service in 2016 was perfectly prepared for the trial, without a shadow of a doubt, he said that Frasyniuk was shouting, beating and kicking – said the Opponent of the communist era. – I do not trust the court that treats my case, because its president is a politruk of the appointment of Minister Ziobro-Frasyniuk

– I am convinced that in 1989 there was no party because a significant part of society has been humiliated. Today, we are at the beginning of this process of humiliation, which begins with the arrest of our own people – the interlocutor TVN24 evaluated.

It is in the interest of citizens to stigmatize violent policemen

– I have no doubt that the aggression will grow on both sides. , blaming Jarosław Kaczyński for the post of president of justice and justice. – He has already started. I do not understand journalists or politicians. We know a police officer who brutally beat the manifesto, and we have an absurd situation, or was allowed to publish his image and personal data – he evaluated during the interview. – It is in the citizen's interest to stigmatize such a policeman – he added. In his opinion, Grzegorz Schetyna should actively defend Michał Szczerba, who is accused of publishing a photo with the name of the policeman mentioned.

Frasyniuk has not finished criticizing the Leader of the Opposition – Grzegorz, when you understand that you can not win the elections on the side of the citizens who are fighting to comply with the constitution? – rhetorically asked the president of the Civic Platform. – During the last two years of state devastation, Schetyna did not appear on the side of the protesters. Grzegorz, do you want to be a leader or just a general manager? – Frasyniuk continued the call at the head of the PO

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Sources: TVN24

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