Wodzianka betrays behind-the-scenes connection with the rich of Tri-City! "I lost six years and a good number"


Wodzianka betrays behind-the-scenes connection with the rich of Tri-City! After entering the living room, a carafe of water in hand and charms on the cover playboy. Dominika Zasiewska, better known by the pseudonym Wodzianka, suddenly disappeared from the walls of Warsaw. In the end, he was responsible for that rich businessman of Tri-Citywho decided to download the celebrity celebrant at his homepages. Invest in your future, the girl quickly became pregnant with her benefactor and even for a moment, it might seem that she would manage to make a permanent family nest by the Polish seaside.

Unfortunately, the idyll did not last forever. After six years, the relationship breaks downand Wodzianka was forced to return to Warsaw and start her "career" from scratch. In an interview with Kozaczek's portal, Dominika admitted that her separation was a blow to her.

It was a huge blow of life for me. And I really think that it's a great failure that this relationship has failedbut today, I am very happy and I can not say that I miss you or cried because Gdansk is not a place for me. Nothing has come out, here I am much better.

In fact, it is difficult in Dominica not to admit a good race. Shortly after returning to the capital, she managed to establish an intimate relationship with anyone, such as Poland's squarest "detective", Krzysztof Rutkowski.. Meeting a famous woman who was celebrated with another woman proved to be beneficial for Dominika, as she let her start her somewhat bland career.

See: Wodzianka threatens Rutkowski! "Krzysiek, you're lying, you've lied to a lot of people"

When she asked him what she most regretted about her unsuccessful relationship, Wodzianka said that she had left Warsaw at the "best moment of her career". "I left everything and went to Gdansk with my own Piotr. Today, when I came back with nothing, I am much older and say a lot more uglybut it does not hurt me. It hurts me to have to start all over again, but I think it's also a pleasure because there is always fun creating "- she confessed during a conversation with Kozaczkiem.

With her experience (breakdown of her relationship and almost commitment), Dominika, she now plans to become independent and not rely on men anymore. As she reveals herself, I want to sell "rags" now in the online store with "cool brands and good prices".

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