Wojciech Bojanowski: Stopping a "Little Misunderstanding" in Thailand – Press.pl



Added: July 10, 2018

Mateusz Kominiarczuk

10/07/2018, 15:22

Wojciech Bojanowski reported the rescue of 13 people from the flooded cave (Screen: Facts.tvn24.pl)

The TVN reporter Wojciech Bojanowski was arrested on Tuesday in Thailand suspected of using a drone near the entrance to the Tham Luang 14 station cave. Two hours later, however, the reporter appeared in the live material. The event is called "a minor misunderstanding".

Bojanowski, special correspondent of "Fakty" TVN, reported the rescue operation of the Thai Navy, which took out 12 teenagers and their football coach in the flooded cave of 23 June. More than three weeks, the surgery was completed on Tuesday before 14:00 Polish time.

Shortly after the last of the trapped persons is appeared, TVN 24 reported on Twitter the detention of Bojanowski and the lack of contact with the journalist. "Everything is in the best order" – wrote Bojanowski on Twitter shortly after 16. The station declined to comment on the incident.

Social comments have emerged regarding the use of Drone by Bojanowski. Paweł Szot, a TVP journalist who also deals with the subject of the rescue operation, raised the question: "The discussion on the arrest of @BojanowskiW is absurd." Wojtek tried to get the best pictures. with criticism, refrain from obtaining specific information about it. "

In a telephone interview with "Presserwisem", Bojanowski confirmed that the detention was the result of a misunderstanding.

(MK, 10/07/2018)

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