Yerry Mina will leave FC Barcelona


Everton has delivered several large transfers in recent years. The next step is to bring Yerry Mina, a three-goal scorer at this year's World Cup. The 23-year-old from Goodison Park should be transferred permanently.

There are several arguments for Mina to say goodbye to Barcelona. First of all, he was not convinced of the training staff – he rarely played, and when he was lucky, he failed. Completely different in the representation of Colombia – he is aggressive, he plays his head, he uses his physical forces. Moreover, Mina still has no Spanish passport, which is very problematic for Barcelona.

In Liverpool, the defender quickly developed to make a place for himself. This is to replace Phil Jagielka, 35, who will soon be saying goodbye to the club. His time on the field is drawing to a close. It is speculated that a Colombian will have to pay around 25 million euros. The media reports that Everton representatives have already met with officials from Barcelona. In the past, clubs have already had interests, including the transfer of Gerard Deulofeu

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