You look much better and better


Kylie Jenner became known for her radical metamorphosis. At the age of 16, he greatly improves his mouth and thus initiates a new trend. Initially, Jenner claims that her unusually wide mouth was the result of proper makeup. It was only later admitted that she uses aesthetic medicine treatments.

Kylie Jenner in the cover gets rid of the mouthgiver

Recently Kylie Jenner took a picture on her Instagram where her lips are smaller and much more natural.

I get rid of all those who give up – Kylie wrote under the photo

Jenner's metamorphosis begins when the celebrity remains to me. Because she is breastfeeding, she does not want to give in to treatment that would not hurt the child.

Fans compliment Kyle's natural lips

Under Kylie's recent photos, Instagram has made many comments with compliments. The fans were delighted with the natural lips of celebrity.

Without your charges, your lips look even better.

Your lips, even without the fans, look stupid

Your lips are so cute now.

Oh, you are so wonderful with those lips!

Without these fans, you are beautiful!

We also love Kylie Jenner a lot in this natural difference. And what do you think, if it came back to the fans?

Kylie Jenner enlarges her lips at the age of 16

Kylie admits that when she was a teenager she had complexes because of narrow little lips. He was turned on by a boy who told him that he did not believe that a girl with such a small mouth could make a good kiss. That's why, at the age of 16, with the consent of her mother, she will take her lips for the first time. He does it regularly.


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