Zbigniew Boniek revealed when we meet the new director of the Polish national team for the World Cup


– The presentation and the first conference of the new coach will take place on July 23 or 24 – Boniek wrote on Sunday

Waul speaks belt

After the unsuccessful World Cup, Adam Nawałka resigned from the post of 39, coach of the national team. This function will only run until the end of July, the expiry date of his contract. He worked with staff for five years, leading him to the quarterfinals of Euro 2016 and to the group stage of the World Cup in Russia

. Borek: Zbigniew Boniek has several candidates for the next Hawaiki. Pole on the list

Who for Nawawa?

The most common among Hawiki 's potential followers is Cesare Prandellego (Italian coach for Euro 2012), Gianni De Biasi (promoter of Albania, with whom he was promoted to the. Euro 2016) or Michał Probierz (currently Cracovia coach)

Piotr Nowak wants to become coach of the national team

It is thought that PZPN will put this together as a foreign coach

First match

Premier serious new test the selector will take place in October. The team will then play Portugal and Italy in the framework of the UEFA League of Nations.

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