Zbigniew Boniek unveils behind the scenes the choice of a team coach


Jerzy Brzęczek has become a new Polish national team leader, although according to the words of PZPN President Zbigniew Boniek, a foreign coach could have threatened him, but the mysterious professional is not sure. is itself eliminated

Jerzy Brzęczek as coach of the Polish national team. Video

Today, the board of directors of the Polish Football Association has supported the decision of the president of Bonko and officially approved Brzęczka as director of the 39 national team. Former coach Wisła Płock will make his debut on September 7 with a clash in the League of Nations against Italy. Earlier, on July 23, the official presentation of the coach at the National Stage of the PGE in Warsaw will take place

A moment after Saturday's PZPN board meeting, Zbigniew Boniek interviewed the TVP Sport reporter. In front of the camera, he repeated that he was faithful to the former coach of the team, Adam Nawałka, and privately his friend and did not work on two fronts

– up to the time. when I say goodbye to Adam Nawałka, I did not think about the other coaches. However, in such cases, you have to work 24 hours a day – said Boniek.

The following words from the president of the association were surprising, which shed light behind the scenes of the decision to choose the coach. – For a foreign trainer who has me a little inspired, I wrote a brief information: "listen, I will not call you again, write me, how do you evaluate the Polish performance, how do you see it and what do you know? " This was not what we expected, only some wikipedia information – the president confessed, with an eloquent smile.

To know exactly why the choice has just been made on Brzeczka, one must be patient

– that was the reason why I put Brzęczka on the coach. But we'll talk about it already at the conference on July 23 – Boniek explained.


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