Zbigniew Korpolewski is dead. Irena Santor in mourning: "It's very difficult for me"


Irena Santor (83) in mourning. Long-time partner Zbigniew Korpolewski († 84) has passed away. It's a blow to the singer. It's hard to imagine his life without his beloved by his side. They have been connected for 25 years …

The story of his life is full of difficult moments. Fate has lived a lot, she often had to accept the loss of loved ones. When she was five, her father was murdered. A "friend of the family" took part in the murder and later mistreated Santor and his relatives.

At the age of 16, Irena Santor became an orphan and her mother died. It was two years after the singer got involved in the Mazowsze group. It was during the performances that she met her husband, Stanisław Santora. They had been married for 19 years, but they broke up into friendship. The man died in 1999.

Irena Santor is involved with Zbigniew Korpolewski. They never married, but he was like her husband and asked him to talk about him like that.

A man had a heart operation a year ago. To improve the rehabilitation process, he moved to the House of the Skolimów Artist and Veteran. Irena Santor, who wanted to be close to his beloved, moved in with him.

Only death has separated them. Korpolewski died last Sunday. Irena Santor is devastated. She will have a hard time living without the man she has been associated with for 25 years.

"I'm trying to be brave, but it's very difficult for me.I apologize to everyone because in the near future, I will significantly reduce my activity," she said. declared in "Fact". Now he is concentrating on the preparation of the funeral. He wants to live alone.

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