Zbigniew Ziobro: Ridicule is the hardest punishment for these people


Joanna Schmidt brought two people to Sejm on Wednesday. The member hid them in the trunk. Everything happened during the demonstration that was taking place under the parliament. Paweł Kasprzak and Wojciech Kinasiewicz were brought to parliament. With Ryszard Petru and Joanna Scheuring-Wielgus, they deployed the banner "We demand the fulfillment of the recommendations of the European Commission".

– It is clear that we are dealing with a handful of people. This is perhaps the reason why aggression wakes up in them. The police are standing up and blocking the entrance to the Sejm, that is his task. These are the people who storm the entrance, who is the aggressor, everyone sees – said Zbigniew Ziobro on the incidents during the Sejm protests in the show " Minęła Twenty "on TVP Info.

The Minister of Justice added that "the opposition realized that there was no support for the status quo among the Poles in the judicial system. " – He does not bring any points of opposition. Only the desperate people who were driven out of the party, like Mr. Petru and Schmidt in this desperation, would use more well-known Mafia methods and carry people into the safe, "he said. for the deputies, he replied: The most severe punishment for these people is ridiculous.Every PO cut these behaviors because it is stupid.This completely hurts the mandate of a parliamentarian.

Krzysztof Ziemiec asked Zbigniew Ziobro about the speed of the work on the amendment of the Supreme Court Act – We had to react with a quick amendment because we can not respond to the attempt to torpedo the changes. should not miss the behavior of Professor Małgorzata Gersdorf, who obstructs and tries to disrupt the work of the Supreme Court – replied the Minister.

– We would like to work in the framework ordinary debate, but everyone can see that there is no will on the other hand. We can not allow the recruitment process to be sustainable. We must take care of the interests of the Poles, those who want normalcy, "said Ziobro.

When asked who is the first president of SN Ziobro, he replied: Mrs Gersdorf is a SN judge at rest. And the President of the Supreme Court, temporarily under the law, is Judge Iwulski.

Source: Info TVP


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