Zieliński in Sokółka. The commander sought to welcome the deputy minister


aboutThe public pointer does not give a dry thread to the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration, Jarosław Zieliński, after revealing a film showing the details of his visit to the police and children of Sokółka. The PiS policy has once again lost love for great pomp and ridiculous ceremonies.

Jarosław Zieliński pushes the limits and sets new standards for police work. They were already cutting confetti by hand for the arrival of the deputy minister, they were riding horses with attached angels' wings and even pretending to be agents of the state security service, simply to tickle their ego. A visit to Sokółka, however, redefines the word "obciach". It looked like this:

The deputy head of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration went to the headquarters of Sokółka. There were police officers and children from neighboring schools. The greetings of the dignitary at first seemed soft, so the commander took the case in hand. He counted up to three, so that the police, children and teenagers can all together scream loudly "the head of the minister".

"There are no brain fragments responsible for the recognition of the charge," commented the reporter of "Polityka" Wojciech Szacki. "The minister was born 30 years too late and, in the Polish People's Republic, he would be perfectly suited to the party council, which visits workers in towns and villages," write ordinary Internet users. "This is what the Polish police look like." Servers have more dignity, "add bitterly.

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