Zielona Góra. A beaten child came to the hospital. Drunk mother


A beaten baby was brought to Zielona Góra Hospital on Saturday. The 4-month-old had, among other broken skull bones. His mother was completely drunk. The child was miraculously in the hands of police officers who called an ambulance.

The fact that the child was transported to the hospital was a great pleasure. The incident occurred on the night of Friday to Saturday. The police were summoned to intervene in the disturbing peace case in one of the apartments on ul. Anieli Krzywoń in Zielona Góra. The person reporting the complaint reported that someone had made a strong party

The police quickly arrived at the place of the request. The agents decided to go inside to better assess the situation. The apartment was a drunk couple of 30 years old and their friends.

Police officers saw a small child during the intervention. Special attention was given to the strange behavior and appearance of the baby. At first glance, it was obvious that the 4-month-old had serious injuries.

Officers decided to call the ambulance without thinking. The ambulance, who quickly arrived at the call, transported the baby safely to Zielona Góra Hospital.

At the hospital, it turned out that the child had been tortured. It has been found, among other things, broken skull bones. Malec is currently under constant medical supervision.

A mother and her father were detained and taken to the police station. It turned out that the woman had up to 3 per thousand alcohol in the blood, and a man of 0.6 per thousand. The parents defended themselves by saying that the child had fallen on the sidewalk. A criminal investigation will be opened on the exposure to the life and health of the child. The court has already been informed of the alleged offense.

Source: Gazeta Lubuska

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