Ziemowit Kossakowski criticized Samuel Pereira for his work on TVP


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Kossakowski, who runs the video blog Piast.TV on the Internet, interviewed the warehouse "Plus Minus" published by "Rzeczpospolita".

A former public media employee told in a conversation with Piotr Witwicki scenes of a scandal related to the article "Controversies around residents". They complain about income, they eat caviar sandwiches ", which was published on October 14 on the portal TVP.Info.

The text was published during the fasting of resident physicians to show that its participants, despite low declared wages, often go abroad and enjoy luxury.

It turns out later that the article is based on manipulation because some of the trips described were medical volunteers in which, for example, Katarzyna Pikulska, one of the leaders of the protest of the resident doctors, took part.

Three days after the publication of the article, Kossakowski was suspended at work, and the chief of the portal Samuel Pereira apologized, among others Katarzyna Pikulska. The Ethics Committee of TVP ruled that the text was unreliable, but its author nevertheless returned to work on public television. However, at the end of June this year, Kossakowski's contract with TVP came to an end and it was not decided to extend it.

A former public media reporter said the controversial text was commissioned by Pereira himself. – After the publication, he said that he was doing a good job, he suspended me two days later and he ran away like a coward, and to this day he 's not sure. had not enough courage to fully explain the problem – explains Kossakowski in an interview.

– I became the subject of a bust of Pereira. I was loyal even to such behavior … as Samuel, who sent me a mailbox for a business email (…) I am aware of the political situation and I I am aware of what I have done. I trusted the Portuguese refugee and he put me on such a face – he added.

I want to become president of TVP

In the newspaper "Rzeczpospolita", Kossakowski apologized to Pikulska and announced that he would "talk to her with a bouquet of flowers". Despite the inconvenience of the previous work, the journalist praised the public television.

– TVP does a good job (…) In my opinion, TVP is pluralistic and all is well – he explained.

– I hope that in the future I will aspire to the position of the President of TVP. I can see you smiling, but I say it seriously, "said Kossakowski.


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