Ziemowit Kossakowski denigrates Samuel Pereira. Backstage work at TVP.Info


I am talking about a former employee of TVP.Info Ziemowit Kossakowski and the director of this editorial Samuel Pereira

Kossakowski is a young man who tried to become a PiS politician (he failed in 2014 to municipal elections). for public money on TVP.Info. He was noisy about it during the campaign before the presidential election. Kossakowski decided to repeat the behavior of the boy, who was involved in the crowd around Komorowski and asked him some uncomfortable questions. – I did the same the next day (…). I melted into the crowd and then asked the president questions and I heard that I was going to Norway – says Kossakowski in an interview with Plus Plus. Today, he admits that it was creating a scandal.

In the journalistic environment, it was said that the work at TVP was a reward for provoking Bronisław Komorowski.

Samuel Pereira is a Pole of Portuguese descent who bought the party's favors, spending whole days in the Smolensk tent during protests by PiS supporters. They believed that an attack had taken place in Smolensk

Now, Kossakowski is paying regrets on Pereira, his former boss. He explicitly admits that on TVP.Info false information is given, which is aimed at pro-government propaganda and denigrates the opposition. In an interview with "Rzeczpospolita", he talks about the lamp in which he threw mud at the resident doctors who were protesting by giving false information that did not conform to reality. – This text was commissioned by Samuel Pereira, who is a double-faced person – reveals the propagandist Kossakowski. – He made a lot of problems in my life. I became the subject of a bust of Pereira. I was even loyal to chickens like that, as Samuel, who sent me five times for a professional e-mail. After the publication, he called a good job, he suspended me two days later, then he escaped as a coward and until now he has not had enough of courage to explain the problem to my face – he says in an interview with Rzepa

. that he now regrets lying to people, to prepare the pamphlet for resident doctors, in which he lied that they live exuberant and that they have money for trips to l & # 39; abroad. In fact, these "trips" were humanitarian missions, during which doctors helped people in poor areas of the world.

– I am aware of what I have done. I trusted the Portuguese refugee and he put me on such a face – says Kossakowski.

"Portuguese refugee" is according to Kossakowski Samuel Pereira, who still manages the editorial board of TVP.Info. How did Pereira react to the words of his former colleague and subordinate? He revealed even more dirt.

Pereira suggested that Kossakowski, while continuing to work on TVP, suggested that girls work in writing. This, according to Pereira, was a way to seduce them, suggesting doing things for sex. "He talks about how he tried to" pick up "TT women, suggesting that he would find them a job at TVP?" he asked Pereira on Twitter and joined a smile. He forgot to see that as Kossakowski's superior, he should not tolerate such behavior. If he knew it, he should react strongly

We asked a media scientist, Professor Maciej Mrozowski, to tell us about the filth of TVP.Info. – This young man, Kossakowski, just wants to clean up, not to get lost in this old age after this "reprimand" – says Mrozowski in an interview with Fakt24. – Young people often think that you have to catch work at all costs. They can be manipulated. The boss tells you that the boss knows what he's doing – think Mrozowski.

He points out that Kossakowski did not disclose something that had not been said before, and that the public media were trapped several times . – These practices of falsification of reality, or simply say: lie, are on the agenda – says the teacher. Mrozowski

Draws attention to the fact that Pereira and Kossakowski are young "easy to do". – They are taught that the world is divided into good and bad. They are good, bad: everything else. And they do not understand that the world has shades of gray. Being objective is harder because you have to think about it. And it is not necessary to think here – he adds

The problem is seen in the fact that the politicians of the PiS, who have now taken over the public media, have not no need for objective and reliable journalists [1945-9005]. – They do not want to see a real face in the mirror, only a face characterized, polite. I knew communism and I know that propaganda does not only concern people who believe in it. It is also the power to decide which image of the world we are going to see.

Video: Danuta Holecka in the Ethics Committee of TVP

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