ZUS pensions 2019. What indexation of pension and disability benefits from 1/01/2019? Net calculations, gross – table. What is increasing pensions? 28/11/2018


Valuation of pensions 2019. Minimum 70 PLN – announced Elżbieta Rafalska

Rafalska on TVP Info announced that consultations were underway on a new pension indexation mechanism.

10 facts about PPK. Who and how much will contribute to our pensions? Click ⇩

Retirements in 2019 increase by 3.26%. This figure is 0.7% higher than in 2018. For those who receive the lowest benefit (1,100 gross gross), there is only 40 PLN. However, Minister Rafalska's latest announcement is 70 PLN MINIMUM FOR THOSE WHO RECEIVE THE LOWEST REMOVAL.

Retirement indexation 2019 Social insurance institution: what is the valuation index?

mentionned valuation index, which has been proposed for 2019, is 3.26 percent. What is it on him? As reported by Minister Elżbieta Rafalska, these factors are:

  • inflation at retirement 102.6
  • real wage increase, estimated at 3.3%

Increase of pensions. Increase in pensions and pensions in 2019. For whom and how much? How much will be the valuation?

What does the introduction of the valuation ratio mean in practice in the context of the amount of benefits in 2019?

  • the lowest pension will increase by 33.57 PLN
  • the average profit will increase by 73.77 PLN

The increase of the minimum pension from 1,029.80 PLN to 1063.37 PLN – gives 904.67 PLN per hand.

Maternity pension and 500+ for retirees

Reports on the subject should also be examined. maternal pensions. Law and Justice plans to introduce a benefit for people who have raised at least 4 children and for this reason they were unable to maintain permanent employment.

There were also signals on additional benefits in the form 500+ for retirees. About 9 million people would receive this money, but for the moment, the details of the project are unknown.

Retirement for mothers 2019. What do you need to know?

Retirement 2019. Pension Supplements and Annuities

  • care allowance, for secret education – 215,84 PLN
  • Care allowance for a war disabled person totally unable to work and live an independent life – PLN 323.76
  • an allowance for a complete orphan – PLN 405.67
  • veterans allowance, a benefit equal to the amount of the veterans allowance – 215.84 PLN
  • compensatory allowance – PLN 32.38
  • Cash benefit for military service personnel forcibly employed in coal mines, quarries, uranium ore mines and building battalions – depending on the number of complete months of work – from 10, 82 PLN
  • up to 215,84 PLN
  • Cash compensation paid to deportees for forced labor and prisoners in labor camps by the Third Reich and the USSR – according to the number of complete months of work – from PLN 10.82 to 215.84
  • Cash allowance to civilian casualties of military operations 1029,80 PLN
  • lump sum 168,71 PLN

Retirement 2019. Rules for valuation of retirement and disability pensions. When?

Valuation of pensions will be carried out at March 2019. Two factors are taken into account in calculating the benefit amount for the following year:

  • inflation on retirement farms – it is necessary to analyze the products that retirees need and the cost of these products after inflation.
  • real wage increase – data on the real increase in employee wages are included in the valuation. Year-by-year data prior to valuation is used for calculations.

Detailed calculations can be found in the following gallery:

Retirement 2019. Working for retirement

You can not terminate your employment contract with someone you are missing no more than 4 years old until the age of retirement.

The law defining minimum age of retirement provides the same 4-year protection period for all employees. People who finish 60/65 and are already in the protection period, as of October 2017, will continue to use it.

Retirement 2019. Retirement later

According to the Ministry, 17% of the insured decide to later benefit from the right to a pension in relation to the current (increased) retirement age.

The station informs that the current algorithm to calculate the advantage It rewards long-term employment.

The longer we work, the higher the insured's account and sub-account capital, and the lower the average life expectancy, which results in a higher pension. The delay of the retreat of one year is higher by about 8%. This is one of the largest increases in the world.

What will be the indexation of pensions and pensions in 2019?
The indexation of pensions and pensions in 2019 should be the biggest in years. The increase is expected at 3.26 percent. What does it mean?

Calculations show retirees with the lowest pension will get a pay raise 26 zlotys. The higher the profit, the higher the valuation is.


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