Police investigate the death of Allean Logan 20 years after his disappearance; identification of the body by correspondence with the DNA in 2019


Two decades ago, Allean Logan disappeared without a trace of her home in Washington, DC. His newborn son was alone inside the apartment, tied in his child seat, his diaper soaked.

"It just devastated and my family was shaken," said Dateline, Allean's nephew, Henderson Long. "It was so painful and no answers."

The 36-year-old mother of two boys was last seen on September 15, 1999. Around 1:30 am, family members started to worry because Allean had not answered their calls. for hours.

Henderson told Dateline that family members had called the apartment manager to check their well-being at Allean's home on South Capitol Street.

That's where they found his baby, Jerome, still in his baby seat. The apartment was messy and there were signs of struggle.

"My cousin was still tied up in his little baby seat and his Pampers were soaked," Henderson said. "He was there alone, and he was fine, but there was no Allean."

This is where the mystery began.

Allean Logan (Photo provided by the family)

"For 19 years, my family has had no answer," Henderson said. "Allean's mother, she was terminally ill. It was killing her literally. So we did not talk about it, not for a moment.

Henderson has decided to conduct his own investigation in recent years. Allean's case inspired him to create "D.C.'s Missing Voice," a platform to help locate missing persons in the Washington area.

"It's one of my passions," Henderson said. "My aunt has inspired me to become this missing person lawyer."

By 2018, the hard work of Henderson and his family was about to bear fruit.

That's when, as part of the ongoing research on Allean, his sisters gave their DNA to the detectives, hoping to get answers.

They are. Their DNA matches that of a Jane Doe found in 2000, the year following the disappearance of Allean. To be sure, one of Allean's sons submitted his DNA and in January 2019 the match was confirmed.

"All the while, she was a Jane Doe," Henderson said. "She stays in Baltimore for 18 years. It's crazy. "

Henderson said the police found his aunt's body near the Barnaby Terrace neighborhood, about a mile away from where it was last seen.

"It's such a tragic story, and it was hard to hear that she had died all these years," Henderson said. "But at least we had answers. It was something. "

DNA technology has solved a mystery, but there remains another: what happened to Allean Logan?

"We think that Allean has been murdered," Henderson said. "But his body was found a year later, so there were only remains, bones. You can not tell what happened to him. "

Dateline contacted the Metropolitan Police and she confirmed that she was now investigating Allean's death as a homicide. No arrests were made.

"We can not discuss aspects of an ongoing investigation, but please make sure we follow every tip or thread that comes into our service," Sean Hickman, an information officer, told IRIN. email. "MPD is working tirelessly to resolve all our outstanding cases."

Henderson said that he thought his aunt's disappearance was suspect because he had witnessed a murder just hours before his disappearance.

"She witnessed the killing of a man on the other side of the hall from where she lived," Henderson said. "They knew each other. And that day, she spoke to detectives just before disappearing. The public information officer, Hickman, did not want to comment on what Henderson had told Dateline that had happened that day in 1999.

Henderson said he believed that Allean was attracted to the outdoors and that's what happened when she was killed.

"I do not think she intended to leave before long. She would not leave her baby alone, "Henderson said. "She was a wonderful mother, an extraordinary woman. Everyone liked Allean. "

Henderson told Dateline that he hoped someone would have attended something that night and that he would communicate information.

"I do not think anyone forced her out," Henderson said. "My aunt was small, but she was brave. She was a fighter. She fought and caused a ruckus. Someone would have heard that.

Henderson told Dateline that the number of drug-related murders had increased between 1989 and 1999 in Washington, DC, and that he thought that his aunt's killer might have died or been incarcerated.

"But I'm going to press the envelope with that," Henderson said. "I can work with each track. Until the closing of our family.

Henderson said Allean's two sons are now grown up and are doing well. And at least they now have answers about what happened to their mother.

He urges people who have lost a loved one to submit their DNA to www.namus.gov because "it works, the technology works. This could save you years of pain.

In February 2019, Allean was buried in a private service organized by her family and friends.

The Metropolitan Police Service is offering a reward of up to $ 25,000 to anyone providing information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person (s) responsible for any homicide committed in the District of Columbia.

Anyone with information on the case of Allean Logan is asked to call the police at 202-727-9099. The information can be submitted anonymously to the ministry text help line by sending a text message to 50411.


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