Poll: Biden leading the Dem primary field by 30 points


Joe BidenJoseph (Joe) Biden RobinKellyanne Conway hits Biden: "A big lie" saying that he asked Obama not to approve Biden can not surpass the progressive beast that will devour him. Giuliani calls for an investigation into Biden about a so-called conflict of interest MORE holds a 30 point lead over Sen. Bernie SandersBernard (Bernie) SandersPoll: 69% of Americans say prisoners should not be allowed to vote Pollster says that believing that criminals should vote in prison will not hurt Sanders Fox News who will hold a public meeting with Gillibrand in June MORE According to a Harvard survey CAPS / Harris Poll published exclusively for The Hill, the former vice president is consolidating his place as leader of the contest.

Forty-four percent of Democratic voters surveyed said they were the most likely to vote for Biden in the 2020 Democratic primaries. Sanders came in second with 14%, while Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi HarrisHarris raises Trump fundraiser by calling him "nasty", Gabby Giffords meets 2020 candidates. Night health care: Trump creates new religious protections for health care workers | Dems turn black maternal deaths into a powerful 2020 issue | CBO estimates that 7 million more uninsured by ObamaCare mandate are repealed MORE (D-Calif.) Comes in third place with only 9%, revealed the poll.

The survey results show a sharp increase for Biden since the launch of his presidential campaign last week. A March Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll survey found that his support in the primary field was 35%, although by that time he had not entered the race yet.

The survey results are broadly consistent with those of other surveys conducted in recent days, which show that Biden is expanding its lead in the democratic and sprawling primary field.

"The Biden hike is large and exceeds expectations," said Mark Penn, co-director of Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll. "His launch was a great success and he opened a significant lead."

Of the respondents, 5% said they would probably vote for Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenGabby Giffords Meets 2020 Candidates. Night Health Care: Trump Creates New Religious Protections for Health Workers | Dems turn black maternal deaths into a powerful 2020 issue | CBO estimates that 7 million more uninsured by the ObamaCare mandate are repealed, Warren unveils his plan to restructure the Puerto Rican debt. (D-Mass.), While South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPeter (Pete) Paul ButtigiegPollster says that believing that criminals should vote in prison will not hurt. Sanders, a parliamentarian in Connecticut, says her children have been the target of online threats emanating from an anti-vaxxer. The Democrat of Virginia says Buttigieg could help the party reclaim the Midwest party in 2020. MORE, was chosen by 4 percent. Sen. Cory BookerCory Anthony BookerGabby Giffords Meets 2020 Candidates. Poll: 69% of Americans Say Prisoners Should Not Be Allowed to Vote The Hill's 12:30 Report: The Battle of Dems with Barr Intensifies MORE (D-N.J.) And former representative Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) tied for sixth place with 3%.

When it comes to who, according to voters, has the best chance of beating President TrumpDonald John TrumpKushner believes that the peace plan for the Middle East is a "good starting point". Dem Alabama's legislator, struggling with more controversial remarks, made more controversial remarks. Pelosi will deliver an opening address to the state of San Francisco PLUS in the 2020 general election, Biden still has a significant lead, with 40% of respondents saying so. Sanders arrives after the former vice president at 13%.

But according to the poll, voters are looking for more than someone who can defeat Trump. Thirty percent of respondents said it was more important to nominate a candidate who shares their positions on the issues in dispute, while 26% said the ability to beat Trump was a more important quality in the # 39; possible Democratic candidate.

The Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll online survey of 1,536 registered voters ran from April 30 to May 1. 259 self-identified Democratic voters were questioned about their preference as a candidate in the party's main field.

The Harvard CAPS / Harris Survey is a collaboration of Harvard University's Center for American Political Studies and Harris Poll. The Hill will work with Harvard CAPS / Harris Poll throughout 2019.

The full results of the survey will be posted later this week. The Harvard CAPS / Harris poll is an online sample from the Harris panel and weighted based on known demographic data. As a representative online sample, it does not report a confidence interval.


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