Poll: Biden leads 2020 Democrats by 5 points, followed by Warren and Harris


Former Vice President Joe BidenJoe BidenBiden and Obama take another literary twist as a duo fighting crime. Trump's confidante: Acosta will be gone in a few weeks. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report clung to first place in the democratic primary field, leading his closest rival Sen. Elizabeth WarrenElizabeth Ann WarrenSteyer announces the largest acquisition of advertising for a Democratic primary so far: Trump confidante report: Acosta will be gone in a few weeks. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Trump under pressure to dump Labor Secretary's funds MORE (D-Mass.) From 5 points, according to an Economist / YouGov survey released Wednesday.

Biden got 22% of the vote among the Democratic primary voters in the poll, while Warren finished in second place with 17%. In third was Sen. Kamala HarrisKamala Devi Harris confidante of Trump: Acosta will be gone in a few weeks. The Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – Trump under pressure to get rid of Biden Labor Secretary's campaign to correct the first stumbles MORE (D-Calif.), Which got 14% support in the survey.

Sen was among the top five candidates. Bernie SandersBernie SandersSteyer announces the largest advertising acquisition for a Democratic primary so far: Biden's campaign seeks to correct early trouble Progressives face a high probability of ousting Democrats in place MORE (I-Vt.) With 11 percent and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete ButtigiegPeter (Pete) Paul ButtigiegMellman: Meeting in Miami How Mayor Pete can win the presidency with a specific letter Biden tax returns show 0.6 M in 2017-18 earnings PLUSwho received 5% of the vote.

The Economist / YouGov survey is the latest to date showing some reshuffles in the Democratic area.

Sanders has been in second place behind Biden in most public polls for months, but recent polls have shown Warren and Harris to be ahead.

On average, RealClearPolitics estimates that Sanders is still in second place, behind Biden by almost 12 points.

During his confrontation with Biden during the first Democratic primary debate that took place late last month, Harris recorded a sharp rise in the Economist / YouGov survey, rising from 7% to 15% the following week.

This confrontation centered on the former vice-president's opposition to "school transportation" during his early years as a senator in the 1970s.

The latest Economist / YouGov survey, however, suggests that Harris' post-debate hike may slow as attention shifts to the next round of primary debate scheduled for later this month.

The poll polled 1,500 people, including 1,140 registered voters, during online interviews conducted from July 7 to 9. Its margin of error is plus or minus 2.6% for the entire sample and 3% for registered voters.


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