Poll: Box Art Brawl # 9 – The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX



Welcome to the Box 9 series of Art Brawl, the series where Box Art variants from different regions undergo a rigorous editing before driving their fists and getting lost under the watchful eyes of your lovely people.

Last week, Michael Biehn has a lot uncredited appearance on the three covers of Metal gear on the NES, but it is the North American version that finally ended the competition, the Japanese variant becoming very early punk as punk and Europe soon won as Sarah Connor's best friend. Honestly, we thought it was going to get closer, but we can never say with the crucible that this is the fight box artas they almost certainly call it in Cannes.

Today, we welcome our first competitors in the world of portable gaming – a pocket classic that has just returned with a brilliant new version on Nintendo Switch. You may have heard of it? Yes, The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening enters the arena this week in its "DX" form of 1998. Why this one and not the monochrome original of 1993, ask yourself? Well, the illustrations of the Game Boy Color version are a bit more varied and Box Art Brawl flourishes in diversity!

So let's get up of sleep, have a coffee and look at the shipwrecked …

Europe 


The European edition of Link & # 39; s Awakening DX was a class affair in every respect. The title Zelda, carved in a luxurious red stone, rests at the top of a shield beaten against a dark marble background. A well-worn torn sword is improbably strung "in" the "Z" and tasteful serifs adorn the capitalized type, with shiny silver from the Game Boy Color strip on the left side reflecting the color spectrum in catch design. It takes a while to find that it does not have one or two, but Three Nintendo logos on the cover.

North America

N / A

Similar to the European variant, the NA version looks more closely like the original game cover (see below in the bonus section). We have the same cute sword and shield combo and the same red Zelda logo and text (this time in black) on a gold background. The Game Boy band sits back on the side again, though Nintendo of America has managed to limit itself to just one logo here. We also get information on the extra color dungeon located in the lower right corner, which almost seems to sink into the golden background. Effective.



The sparse coverings to the west were a significant change from the Japanese version, which portrayed Link, Marin and Tarin, at dubious pace, as well as the owl, with the fish's egg. wind in the background on a blue sky. The logo below includes the integrated Koholint Island with a gilded relief "DX" in the front. There is another gray background behind all this and the colorful Game Boy color strip on the left side of this longer cover.

It's certainly colorful, but is everything going well together? It's up to you to decide.

Bonus Dungeon

And as a little extra-sounding, here's a preview of the original artwork from the original Game Boy version. As you can see, the two western blankets are virtually identical, while the Japanese blanket is rather nice, if we say it ourselves. We have also included a Chinese variant that we like very much:

The originals

Here we are! It's like a dream, is not it? But who is the dreamer? Choose your favorite below and click on the "Vote" button to let us know:

Assuming you're not already filled with the windy gills with the warm content of Link's Awakening, take a look at our look at the original since the beginning of the year, while we we anticipated the remake on Switch. It's all about the fight this week – fFree to share the adventure of your deliberations below and you can then start playing the remake again. As you were.


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