Poll: Metroid Dread released on Switch today, did you get it?


Terror of the metroids

Finally, after 19 years of waiting, Metroid fans around the world are set to experience Samus’ fifth main adventure. Metroid Dread was released on Nintendo Switch today.

Despite a seriously dedicated fan base, Metroid has always been a franchise with a surprisingly low number of total sales (compared to Nintendo’s other major IP, at least). There have been some really fantastic games over the years but never managed to pull the numbers in this series like THE Legend of Zelda or, more recently, Animal crossing have.

This time, however, Nintendo will fat with its marketing, and the general consensus of critics is that this is the big comeback fans have been hoping for.

So we give it to you. Are you going to buy the game? Are you already a fan of the series, or will this be your first Metroid game? Vote below and feel free to expand on your responses in the comments.

If you’ve already made up your mind, you can purchase a physical copy here. Or if you’re still on the fence, why not let our full review help you decide.


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