Poll: Trump's approval plunges among Republicans


President TrumpDonald John TrumpBiden campaign: Castro "cheats the facts": McCabe's lawyer asks a US attorney if the grand jury has decided not to accuse The Hill's 12:30 Report: Views and sounds of Houston debate MOREThe approval rate has fallen slightly among Republican voters, although it is relatively stable among all voters, according to the latest poll Hill-HarrisX released Friday.

The nationwide survey found that 83 percent of GOP voters said they approved the president's performance, down 2 percentage points from an identical poll from Aug. 18-20.

Trump's overall approval remains stable, rising 1% to 47% from the previous poll, while 53% disapprove.

The president's approval rate increased by 3 points among independent voters compared to the previous poll. It is now supported by 46% of independents in the survey.

Former Governor of South Carolina Mark SanfordMarshall (Mark) Clement SanfordThe Morning & # 39; s Morning Report – The Third Debate is Unanimous. The US deficit remains unchanged: the US deficit exceeded $ 1 trillion in 11 months. (R) last week became the third Republican to launch an offer to challenge Trump for the GOP presidential nomination in 2020.

He joins the former governor of Massachusetts. Bill WeldWilliam (Bill) WeldPoll: Sanders dominates the debate on the Democratic Party within NH Business Insider to hold the debate on the GOP with Trump Warren's challengers, Sanders denounces Bolton's mandate in the middle of the White House exit MORE (R) and former representative. Joe WalshJoe WalshThe Hill & # 39; s Morning Report – The Third Debate Unanimously at the Top of the Debate: Sanders tops the Democratic Party in NH Business Insider to Host Debate on the GOP with Trump's Challengers MORE (R-Ill.) In announcing a primary campaign against Trump, which remains largely popular in the party.

Sanford insisted on Wednesday that his candidacy for the presidential election was not intended to undermine Trump's chances of being re-elected, but rather to improve the ideas of the Republican party as a whole.

The three challengers face a difficult battle to try to fight Trump. Some states, including South Carolina and Nevada, have recently decided to cancel their primary elections.

The Hill-HarrisX survey was conducted online among 1,000 registered voters between September 11 and 12, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

-Tess Bonn


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