Poll: What do you think of New Saints Row?


Saints Row Reboot Poll

One of the biggest stories of the past week involved Saints Row. The sandbox series returns in February of next year, with a brand new game announced at Gamescom Opening Night Live 2021. This thing is a complete reboot: different characters, a new setting, and no obvious connection to the old games from Saints Row. It’s a new start.

However, the reveal did not go smoothly. The CG trailer for the title divided opinions and the backlash was significant. The said trailer was bombarded with aversions and negative comments on several YouTube channels, and Saints Row’s Twitter account took a beating. It all came to a head when developer Volition said “we’re not backing down on this game.”

It was a little ugly, but a second trailer definitely kept the flames from spreading – at least for now. This one has real gameplay, put alongside developer feedback, and it turned out a lot better.

But we want to know what you think. What are your first thoughts on the new rebooted Saints Row? Have your say in our polls, then give us your full opinion in the comments section below.


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