Pompeo suggests that the Mar-a-Lago breach is linked to Chinese espionage


Pompeo declined to provide further details regarding this statement during the interview on "CBS This Morning", but said: "I think this indicates to the American people the threat that China represents, its efforts to the States. States, not only against government officials, but more widely. "

CNN reported Wednesday that the FBI had begun investigating the possibility that the incident on the Trump property, Mar-a-Lago, was a spying effort.

The US official who confirmed the investigation on espionage said that the FBI was doing what it had to do in these circumstances when a foreign national is involved and that there are problems with it. Espionage or cybersecurity are possible.

Trump dismissed concerns over the incident when he was questioned on Wednesday over possible Chinese spying.

"No, I'm not worried at all," he said.

The president described the situation as a "random situation", praising both the secret service and the receptionist who arrested Zhang.

"The result is that they have been able to obtain it and that it is suffering the consequences," he said.

Although the FBI has not yet revealed whether the incident is related to Chinese espionage, Pompeo said Wednesday that investigators "were closely examining" this possibility and suggested that the violation could be related to China's broader efforts to steal US intellectual property.

This issue is being discussed during trade talks between Washington and Beijing, added Pompeo.

"This is one of the topics discussed in these trade negotiations." The theft of US intellectual property is a big deal, worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and President Trump is determined to put a brake, "he said.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said on Friday that the latest round of trade talks between the United States and China was over, noting that both parties "have made progress" but that "the two sides have not been able to do anything." there was "important work to be done".

An American official told CNN that they were reluctant to interpret the exact meaning of Pompeo's comments, stating that the quote "speaks for itself."

Although investigators have yet to reveal conclusive evidence suggesting a link to Chinese espionage, the flaw has highlighted longstanding concerns about security in Mar-a-Lago.

Mar-a-Lago allows members, their guests and those attending club events to enter and move, even if Trump frequently visits the club.

Trump says he's not concerned about it. security breach in Mar-a-Lago as the FBI investigates

The unique nature of the President exercising his official functions in a semi-public place – rather than in the White House or in retreats favored by previous presidents – was of international importance just days after taking office when he and the Japanese Prime Minister One could see Shinzo Abe react in real time to the launch of a North Korean missile.

Later that year, Trump welcomed Chinese President Xi Jinping to Mar-a-Lago as the United States conducted air strikes on Syria and the two world leaders ate "the finest piece of chocolate cake ever "seen," as Trump said. .

China's potential interest in Mar-a-Lago has been given special consideration. Congressional Democrats have called for a new FBI investigation into the apparent links of a Florida woman with Trump, seeking to determine whether Cindy Yang was illegally seeking to strengthen her relationship with the president by selling access to Chinese customers.

Zhang was accused of making false statements to a federal officer and entering a restricted area on Monday. A detention hearing is scheduled for Monday and an indictment for April 15.

CNN got the audio of Monday 's hearing, where we could hear Zhang speak English poorly and ask for help from a translator. She was read the charges against her and told her that she could face six years in prison.

A federal prosecutor called Zhang "an extreme risk of flight" and stated that she had no connection with the United States or the Mar-a-Lago region, showed the audio . A prosecutor also said that the Chinese consulate had been informed of Zhang's arrest the same day.

"The People's Republic of China knows full well that she was arrested," said US Attorney John McMillan.

Eli Watkins and Evan Perez of CNN contributed to this report.


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