Popular YouTuber Dream Has Been Doxed


Following Dream’s face reveal on Mr. Beast’s YouTube Rewind, fans can find his home address based solely on a photo of his kitchen.

After posting a photo of her kitchen on her second Twitter account, YouTuber Dream fans were able to find her home address and share it online.

Dream is a popular YouTube personality who exclusively plays Minecraft. Despite recent allegations that Dream is cheating in her Minecraft speedruns, just days ago, the faceless YouTuber hit a milestone of 15 million subscribers on the video platform, with 14 million of those subscribers gained in just one year. And like most online content creators of this caliber, Dream’s fan base has grown more than passionate and some have even become obsessed.

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The drama with Dream’s private address leak appears to start with Mr. Beast’s YouTube Rewind. Dream posted a short clip to Twitter with a smile sign and blocking his face, teasing Mr. Beast’s upcoming video summing up the chaos of 2020, and many fans took to the tweet to tease a face. Much like the ever-popular content creator Corpse Husband, Dream hasn’t revealed his face on the internet, but some fans are dying to know what he looks like.

Towards the end of Mr. Beast’s YouTube Rewind, the same clip of Dream with the sign on his face is playing, but when he drops it to reveal his face, a bullet with Dream’s iconic smiley face covers his face. It’s clear that Dream has no intention of showing her true identity to the internet and is only teasing her fans, but some more avid followers were quite satisfied when they saw her neck, calling it the “Dream Neck Reveal”.

Unfortunately, some fans say it was this instance that led to Dream’s address being leaked online. Yesterday, Dream posted a photo of her kitchen on her second Twitter account and using the Zillow online real estate market, some were able to determine the location of her residence from the photo alone. One Twitter user, mazouwu, even gave it to anyone who asked until they were sufficiently reported and deactivated, changing their name on the social media platform to “ok ok im done” and removing all their content.

While some fans of the popular YouTuber call them and other fans for their stalker behavior and push Dream’s obsession too far, others sadly say he deserved it. Twitter user EmblemResident comments: “He encouraged him by manipulating hype to his audience to reveal his face, but he lied.”

Dream himself hasn’t commented on the doxing situation on any of his public social media accounts, but luckily no photos of his face or residence have been uploaded so far, which probably means that people haven’t visited his home address yet, which happens to other YouTubers like PewDiePie and his wife Marzia too often.

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