& # 39; Sister & # 39; of the Milky Way has been swallowed by the Andromeda galaxy, scientists are discovering – News


The discovery was made by scientists from the Department of Astronomy of the University of Michigan from one of the most advanced galaxies in the world.

But, using computer models and simulations, the researchers found that the star halo was formed from the Andromeda fusion with small galaxies. Richard D & Souza and Eric Bell were able to gather enough clues to conclude that much of this trace is left behind by a single massive galaxy that has been "cannibalized".

The "sister" swallowed by the Milky Way was nicknamed M32p [

D'Souza told BBC News Brazil that the discovery had been made when he and Bell had compared the "halos" of distant galaxies.


" There were not enough galaxies in the universe to collide with Andromeda during his lifetime, and to form a halo of this size. "

The research, published this week in the journal Nature shows that the M32p was at least 20 times larger than any galaxy that merged with the Milky Way"

"When we realize this, we are in a state of ecstasy, because this discovery could explain several other mysteries associated with Andromeda, "said the researcher at BBC News Brazil

One of these mysteries is the origin of M32 . Orbita Andromeda

D & Souza and Bell claim that the compact and dense M32 is the central part of the M32p, which would have survived the merger with Andromeda. That would be, according to the analogy made by scientists, "as the plum of a plum that remains after the fruit is eaten."

The study changes the understanding about the galaxy collision

The study also questions the current understanding

The University of Michigan's research shows that the disc Andromeda persists, even though it is now known that it has merged with another large galaxy 2 billion years ago. "

" This study alters the understanding of how galaxies survive collisions: it was thought that such a fusion would destroy the main galaxy, transforming it from a galaxy to an elliptical disk, "explains D'Souza.] "Now we know that Andromeda survived the collision, although we still do not know how."

Our own galaxy is on a collision course with Andromeda, but this should only happen in about 4 billion years

They are separated by a distance of 2.5 million light-years, but converge at a speed of about 400,000 kilometers per time

The two galaxies are approaching, 19659002] As Andromeda is twice as large as the Milky Way and our galaxy, in turn, is larger than the M32p, we expect that the damage "be much bigger."

"Andromeda and our galaxy are comparable in terms of mass and size at a factor of 2, so the collision will be much more energetic, "said D & # 39; Souza at BBC News Brazil.

And who should "lose" on this impact is the Milky Way. "We believe that the Milky Way, because it is smaller, will be broken and eventually become part of the stellar halo of Andromeda."

"But since we are also a large galaxy, we can deform Andromeda, causing it to transform from a galaxy to a disk in a galaxy the elliptical giant."

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